27 key lessons learnt over the past 27 years of my life

Tiffany Sanya
Beta Human
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2018
Aljezur, Portugal

As I celebrated my 28th birthday (spent the week basking on the sunny shores in Portugal as per above pic), I also took some time to reflect on what the past 27 years has taught me.

1. Your life begins when you want it to. Regardless of your age, the stage you are at, and whatever has happened so far, you can still start all over again. Now is a good time.

2. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. People will come and go so learn to love that person looking back at you in the mirror. They will never leave you.

3. You can’t always control the variables in life so learn to manage your perception, feelings and reactions.

4. Commit to growing as a person and expanding your mind may it be in form of taking up new hobbies and developing new skills. Try and avoid standing still. After all, you’re not a tree.

5. Sometimes it is “better to ask for forgiveness than to seek permission”. Be bold.

6. Spend some time alone. Not only will you discover new things about yourself but it also gives you the mental space to be creative. Remember that a thought can change your life.

7. Don’t be afraid to let go of people and situations. It is good for your soul and will help you gain some clarity. The unknown albeit daunting, usually presents even more exciting chapters.

8. You are not a product of your past. Be brave enough to unlearn behaviour patterns and bad habits, decide who you want to be and start becoming that person right now.

9. Don’t be afraid to dream of a better life, put it into drawing and do everything within your power to make it a reality. After all “a solitary fantasy can transform a million realities”.

10. Forgive, forgive and then forgive some more. Holding on to bitterness and past hurts will poison your soul.

11. Once you do forgive, you don’t necessarily have to accommodate that person in your life. It’s perfectly fine to keep them at arms length and send them good energy from a distance.

12. Celebrate others. There is enough success to go round (abundance mind-set).

13. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. You are more than enough so own and walk only in your uniqueness.

14. Invest in yourself, be it in monetary, physical or spiritual terms. It will always pay off.

15. Give at every opportunity you get. Be it your talent, time or money. Not only will you reap abundantly but you will lead a more fulfilled life.

16. Learn to keep your peace even in the most difficult situations. Remember that this too shall pass.

17. Start with where you are and what you have. Right now. Remember that it is not what you have that matters, but what you make of it.

18. You are enough. You don’t need to be more or less of anything.

19. Don’t be so afraid of change. Let it happen. Nothing great can come from comfort zones.

20. When dealing with people, learn to cultivate a mind-set of appreciation rather than expectation. When people feel appreciated they tend to rise and meet your expectations.

21. “You have to put on your own gas mask to save the person sitting right next to you”. Prioritise self-care. Remember that you have to sustain yourself long enough before you can save the person anyone else.

22. Find your “why”. It will keep the fire burning even when everything falls apart and it seems you can’t catch a break.

23. Don’t be so afraid of failure. It is the rite of passage for anyone on their way to being successful. Quite often, it will reveal how truly resilient and committed you are.

24.Do something that scares you once in a while. It will cause your heart to beat faster, breath enthusiasm into your life and develop your courage muscles.

25. Don’t wait for others to smile at you first. Your smile could be their saving grace in that moment.

26. Learn to take a break and enjoy your life. It will help recharge your batteries and keep you more balanced.

27. Always remember that life rewards those who live intentionally.

Hope you enjoyed and do let me know which one/ones resonated with you the most!

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Tiffany Sanya
Beta Human

Committed to living intentionally. Writing to make sense of it all. Now on Youtube-https://youtu.be/RnVpNG4KNaA