Assessment of a good TGE/ICO

Kris okonkwo
betbox (OX)
4 min readJan 16, 2019


Token Generation Event (TGE) — sometimes referred to as Initial Coin Offering (ICO) — was among the tech innovations that showed magnificent growth in 2018, changing from a mere tech savvy to a major boom. All together, ICOs raised a total of $6.3B in 2018 alone according to

But what criteria makes a TGE worth to be part of?

Without delving deeply into the technical paper, a TGE often involves the sale of coins in exchange for funds, usually in the form of digital currencies such as Ethereum. If you’re planning on participating in a TGE, it’s important to ask and get answers about the complete process:

1. The Team

The lack of details in a company’s team is the first foul play an investor should look out for. Our team has expertise in cryptography, blockchain technology, payments systems, experience in gambling and betting but also marketing and legal topics are well-covered. The team's records and career milestones are well-documented and available for the public. This makes betbox’s team unique and different. Our team members and advisors share their LinkedIn profiles on the official website so as to be easily assessed by potential partners and investors. Visit our website at for all details about who is helping to deliver this outstanding innovation.

2. Alertness and in-depth answers to technical questions raised by the community

A TGE is nothing without carrying along the community supporters for in-depth understanding of the platform and its activities. Our community presence is rifled with status updates and detailed answers to questions regarding emerging technologies and industry trends. You can join our active Telegram chat where investors can field inquiries to and follow our breaking news and announcements. Below are our official channels: (all our channels)

3. Documentation of the project

No one wants to invest in a useless cryptocurrency. There are already enough of those. To make things more clear and transparent it is essential for us to provide investors with access and insight in our strategy and future usage of the token and platform. last but not least is the legal setup and alignment with international rulings. Our constantly updated documentation (whitepaper, token paper, the business paper, ..), which catalogs our developmental timeline, along with the problems we plan to address and solve, is accessible on our website.

4. The market opportunities a TGE helps to address

Given the immense use of funds from our TGE, there is inevitably high variance in the quality of the opportunities presented to us. Ideally, our TGE will address a large and well-defined market, such as the massive decentralized betting and gambling sector. Moreover, we have a clear roadmap for capitalizing on specific opportunities yet untapped.

5. Legal aspects

Betbox is currently applying for a betting license in several countries as we have completed the legal trademark registration for the brand of “betbox”. also the incorporation of betbox as a company in Gibraltar is completed as Malta will follow soon. added to the efforts, submission of token economics to the regulator in Gibraltar is in the final stages. With this precautious approach, betbox can make sure to be compliant to future regulations regarding cryptocurrency. The legal team of betbox is working hard to regulate the ecosystem of betbox and collaborates with multiple governments to guarantee a sustainable structure. As for now, the relatively new cryptocurrencies are not yet included in the law of gambling the company may launch its dapp without fear of being shut down. Nevertheless, the company aims to obtain gambling & lottery licenses for several jurisdictions to also include FIAT currencies in the ecosystem.

