Take a look at Impakt!

Nida Nizam
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2018

Instead of complicating online shopping with even more buttons, Impakt’s goal is to streamline your shopping process with your ethics in mind.

The latest version of our user interface is designed to provide actionable information efficiently while ensuring the user retains maximum control.

Currently, there are no numerical metrics. At their best, metrics like letter grades or 100-point scales streamline decision making by offering a clear basis for comparing two products. In reality, numerical metrics can impede decision making if the user expends mental energy not only acquainting themselves with our sources, but also in interrogating the methodology. At a later stage of our development, we hope to build an actual numerical scale for each user, but first we would need to acquire an extensive user base to make these sorts of analytics feasible (your referrals will be critical in acquiring this data after we launch the beta!)

Notifications exist in the search results page as well as the product page: Impakt will be able to provide notifications and alerts in the search results page as well as the product page.

In order to reduce the time and labor cost of research, we are working with primary sources and empowering users to judge how to act upon a given event.

Ethical categories are currently color-coded: All of our prospective data providers pre-categorize news events as pertaining to the environment, labor issues, and so on. This makes it feasible to create a visual vocabulary around different ethical causes and to personalize accordingly.

These visuals will grow as we do — so if you know any designers, UX folk, or other professionals interested in consulting on an ambitious non-profit project, please send them our way!



Nida Nizam

Originally dragonborn, currently known as Tod the Tiefling. Co-founder of @impakt, CCO of @meseekna. Diplo/Media/Tech/Marketing