Sophomore Ben Clysdale and Faith Willard prepare for their math test coming up later in the day. The two just started dating and often find themselves studying and doing homework in the Bethel library. “That’s where I can get stuff done,” Clysdale said. | Photo by Taylor Fondie

A story in photos: 3 p.m. on a Tuesday

Students quietly spread their books and laptops throughout the Bethel University (St. Paul) library Tuesday to keep up with the homework grind.

Scott Winter
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


By Royal Report Staff

Freshman social work and Spanish major Pam Lebert studies her psychology homework in the Bethel library. “I’m really enjoying psych because it’s making me see everything around me differently,” Lebert said. “It’s helping me to be more aware of people when I’m talking with them.” | Photo by Alicia Dahl
Student Caroline Bloomberg observes live feed of a bird in the computer lab of the lower level of the library for a class, while reading. As a senior environmental science major Bloomberg often is assigned homework that interacts with animals. “I have to log and watch like 100 hours of this bird,” Bloomberg said. “It’s really fun.” | Photo by Beret Leone
Junior Ela Reinertson scans through a journal for her group communication class Tuesday. She transferred from a university in Italy, where her mother originally met her father. Her grandmother once told her mother: “Don’t fall in love with a handsome Italian man and never come back!’” Reinertson said. “But she did.” | Photo by Godfrey Mpetey
Junior nursing student Jenna Fromm makes herself comfortable in the Bethel library as she prepares for a long session of nursing remediation practice tests Tuesday. Fromm felt confident in the material. “It’s going well,” she said, “I’m getting more comfortable with the information as I study.” | Photo by Elizabeth Dahlin
Freshman psychology student Heidi Drechsel completes her online statistics quiz in the Bethel library Tuesday afternoon. Drechsel read her textbook and took the quiz simultaneously. “I am learning about the LeBron James of statistics, whatever that means,” Drechsel said. | Photo by Jasmine Johnson
Student Beth Tangen takes a physics practice exam in the library Tuesday. The senior is finishing her degree in biokinetics. “I love problem solving and the feeling of getting the right answer,” she said. | Photo by Abby Pautz
Junior Jana Roste concentrates on creating a lesson plan for her educational pedagogy class in the Bethel Library Tuesday. As a math education major, she has learned about literacy in teaching, including math literacy. “It is a good reminder,” she said. “I haven’t had literacy-type classes, so there’s good things that I haven’t thought of.” | Photo by Laura Osterlund
Elementary Education freshman Kate Boeshart works on homework in the library Tuesday afternoon.. Her main focus was on her math education assignments “I like how it’s so quiet” she said. | Photo by Ally O’Neil
Senior communications major Hannah Gomes stares at her laptop in the Bethel Library Wednesday. She researched foster children for her family communications class. “This is my second time in the library ever,” she said. | Photo by Tatiana Lee
Senior biology major Kevyn Janick quietly zones into her physics homework in the Bethel library Tuesday afternoon. Around Janick were multiples notes and books. “I hate physics, but it’s a class I have to take for my major,” she said. | Photo by Katie Viesselman



Scott Winter

Bethel University English and Journalism Associate Professor. Mediocre tennis player. Nacho architect. @ProfScottWinter