Megan O’Brian sets up for the face off against St. Catherine University Dec. 2 at the National Sports Center in Blaine. The Royals fought off the Wildcats in a 4–3 comeback victory. | photo by Cali Pearcy

An athlete abroad

Bethel University undergrad student misses out on MIAC championship while studying abroad.

Cali Pearcy
Published in
5 min readDec 9, 2016


By Cali Pearcy | Royal Report

Megan O’Brian walked into coach Brian Carlson’s office crying. Bawling uncontrollably. She could barely get the words out.

O’Brian, a social work and Spanish double major, decided that she wanted to study abroad. But, there was a problem, she played hockey. When she first talked to her coach about wanting to study abroad, it was January of her freshman season. Even then she was on one of Bethel’s top lines. According to coach Carlson, not only was she one of the best on Bethel’s team, but one of the best players in the MIAC conference. O’Brian wasn’t sure how coach would take the news.

“He was really encouraging,” O’Brian said of her coach. “Studying abroad was always a dream of mine. But I felt like I was pursuing my own dreams, not what is best for the team.”

“She has a really good inclusive personality. Megan gets everyone together, she is really good with the freshmen.” — Natalie Simmons, junior teammate

O’Brian was a junior when she left for Costa Rica. At the time she was an alternate captain for the hockey team, which made it a little bit harder for her to leave. She left for Costa Rica Jan. 12 and returned May 10. Now, O’Brian is back as a senior captain. Through nine games, O’Brian has tallied two goals and five assists.

“Megan is the type of person that cares a lot about other people,” Carlson said.

Megan O’Brian watches the game from the bench with teammates Dec. 2 against St. Catherine University at the National Sports Center in Blaine. O’Brian (center) scored a shorthanded goal in the second period to tie the game 1–1. | Photo by Cali Pearcy

“She has a really good, inclusive personality,” junior teammate Natalie Simmons said. “Megan gets everyone together. She is really good with the freshmen.”

Coach Carlson explained O’Brian as being quick, strong, leader, and a player that can play against anyone.

“When you lose someone like that, it’s difficult,” Carlson said.

At first, when Carlson heard that O’Brian wanted to study abroad, he described his first reaction as “complete terror.” Although this was Carlson’s first player to study abroad, he knew that he had to support O’Brian’s decision.

“Because that is what (NCAA) Division III and the MIAC are all about,” Carlson said.

“I have never felt so embraced by someone I did not know.” — Megan O’Brian, senior captain

While O’Brian was gone, she stayed with three host families. One of the reasons O’Brian chose the program was because she would be able to stay with host families.

“I have never felt so embraced by someone I did not know,” O’Brian said.

O’Brian called her host homes a “safe place” for her to ask questions, and gain understanding for their culture and a better understanding of their language. Her biological family was able to visit O’Brian in Costa Rica for a week in March.

“When my biological family came to meet my host family, it felt like my two worlds had finally blend together,” O’Brian said.

Megan O’Brian’s host mom picks out fruit at the local market in San José, Costa Rica. The local market is called La Ferría. Once a month O’Brian’s host family would go to the local market to purchase their fruits and vegetables. “The place was busy and vibrant, just as the picture shows, filled with interactions and bargaining,” O’Brian said. “My greatest memory of Costa Rica is captured within this picture for it shows the pure joy, colorful atmosphere, and loving people. | Submitted by Megan O’Brian

O’Brian’s first host family would go to the local market once a month to get their fruits and vegetables. She was able to join them in January. O’Brian’s host mom, Flor, was able to show her around the market.

“La Ferría (the local market) was the first place my host family took me when I entered their home,” O’Brian said.

O’Brian traveled through a program called Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. It was a Bethel-affiliated program, but she did not go with Bethel people. She went with a group of about 15 students from all over. O’Brian explored with them, and they were all there to help each other with school work. She appreciated the group that she went with because they all understood what she was going through.

O’Brian went on an adventure by herself in March. She went to a Human Rights Awareness march at Easter. Costa Rica has a Catholic background, so that was different from the United States, but O’Brian said the march really reminded her of the United States.

“It felt like the U.S. in a way that it was so diverse there,” O’Brian said.

O’Brian described the march as the people of Costa Rica peacefully talking about realities that had happened in their country. They were talking about how much they loved their country, and how beautiful their country is. O’Brian loved seeing all the people come together in a peaceful way.

“I felt included even when I was away.” — Megan O’Brian, senior captain

While O’Brian was away, her team started playing the best in the program’s history. The Royals were winning games. O’Brian left at the end of the season, so she missed playoffs. Basically, right when O’Brian left, the team started playing very well.

“At first, my reaction was of course they are playing better without me,” O’Brian said. “But then it turned into pure excitement for my friends doing so well.”

O’Brian stayed in contact with the team while she was gone. Mostly through the GroupMe app. She would send the group good luck messages before games, and they would let her know how they did.

“I felt included even when I was away,” O’Brian said.

O’Brian and some friends from her program went on an excursion for two weeks outside of Costa Rica so she did not have any service. She came back to many text messages from teammates reading “WE WON THE MIAC”.

About Megan

  • Megan has always dreamed about studying abroad.
  • Megan has studied Spanish since 8th grade.
  • She started playing hockey in 4th grade.
  • She couldn’t physically stop on ice skates her whole first year of hockey, now she is playing college hockey.

SOURCE: Interview

Next game

Who: Bethel vs. Northland College (WIS.)

What: Non-conference matchup

Where: Bethel University Arena — National Sports Center in Blaine, MN

When: Dec. 9 7 p.m.

Tips: Bring your blankets, wear your jackets and hats, and get some hot chocolate.


Megan’s study abroad decision

January 2014: (Freshman year)- Declared social work major, met with counselor about studying abroad.

Feb 2014: met with coach about studying abroad

March 2014: Decided to go junior year instead of sophomore year (coach suggestion)

June-Aug 2014: Thinking about programs, decided to go spring instead of fall

Oct-Dec 2014: Look at Mexico and Guatemala programs (Bethel programs)

March-May 2015: Looked into Mexico trip, but mom shot that down

May 2015: Approval from social work professor to go to Costa Rica

June-August 2015: Applied to program- recommendations, transcripts, why wanted to go, etc

Oct 2015: Accepted into program

Oct-Dec 2015: Passport, payments, financial aid, vaccinations, petitions for classes, readings, packing lists

Jan 12 2016: Left for Costa Rica

April 26 2016: Program ended

May 10 2016: Came home

SOURCE: Interview



Cali Pearcy
Writer for

Bethel University student, sports enthusiast, lover of all things chocolate