Ariel Dunleavy manages The Bethe Clarion website and social media. | Photo by Molly Korzenowski

Ariel Dunleavy has no idea what she’s doing

Ariel Dunleavy


By Ariel Dunleavy, Bethel Clarion Website and Social Media Manager

I have a confession: I don’t know what I’m doing.

I file my taxes every year but I have no idea what it means. I really do not understand what the government does in general aside from making laws.

I take out school loans every year but at the same time buy myself a venti iced matcha with oatmilk from Starbucks too many times in a week. I buy a new book every time I see one that looks interesting even though my to-be-read stack in my room is starting to look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Don’t even get me started on why they put a Starbucks inside of every single Barnes and Noble. That is just cruel.

I am a graphic designer but I don’t really know what I am doing. I tend to just search through the software until I find the tools I need without ever remembering where they are. I just Google how to make patterns in Adobe Illustrator. I work in retail but I often don’t know the answers to questions customers ask so I just make an educated guess and hope I was right.

How does Airdrop work? Where does it go? Is the government involved? Sometimes it works and other times both phones sit there waiting and waiting and waiting before not receiving anything at all.

I love coffee but why are there so many different types of it? I order an iced coffee but how is that different from an Americano or cold brew. I know they’re sometimes made differently but how does that do anything?

I ask for paper bags at Target and walk out feeling like I’m a hero for saving our planet from its imminent doom, but then I immediately go to Starbucks to buy an iced drink in a plastic cup. Anytime anyone asks if I want a receipt, I panic. My answer changes every time for no reason. Why do people want their receipts? Am I supposed to keep them for my taxes?

