Haylee Barker relaxes in the 3900 Grill at Bethel University between classes. | Nick Bonnema

From an Outsider to a Leader

Senior Haylee Barker describes what it’s like to be the new kid on a team

Nick Bonnema
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2018


By Nick Bonnema | Clarion Correspondent

Haylee Barker didn’t know what to expect. Leaving the University of North Dakota to come play basketball at Bethel University was a big swing.

“I thought that since it was D3 it wouldn’t be such a big commitment.” Said Barker.

Barker struggled to balance work, school and basketball at first. Missing conditioning, workouts and practices for work was not easy for a player struggling to fit in on her new team.

“Being a very vocal person it was so hard for me to be in practice and not tell people what to do…I couldn’t tell my teammates what to do because I didn’t know the system yet.” Said Barker.

Barker recalls a time where the team was playing Macalester and Barker messed up a defensive play, provoking the coach to bench her. Barker became increasingly upset, causing the coach to tell her to clean up her attitude or sit on the bench. Barker got so upset that she had to go stand underneath the bleachers during the game to calm down.

“I definitely still have some of that attitude, but I deal with it better now.” Said Barker with a chuckle.

Going from a transfer sophomore player to one of the captains on the team is something that Barker cherishes. She is greatly looking forward to building stronger relationships with her teammates. As a first-year player she felt like an outsider, as a second-year player she felt like a member of the team and as a captain she feels like a leader.

“I am really looking forward to this season and building relationships with my teammates and coaches.”

