Dr. Mauvalyn Bowen discusses the book, entitled, Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi with senior Kaylee Schmidt. Bowen divided each of the chapters up among students and asked them to share their thoughts on the whiteboard. “The book by Ferrazzi is a supplement to our main text and gives very practical and real world examples of how networking, building relationships and improving your brand can enhance success in life and in the business profession as a whole,” Bowen said. | Photo by Hannah Hunhoff

Helping entrepreneurs embrace potential

Going back to her roots, Bethel University business professor develops a lively entrepreneurship school in the heart of the Caribbean: Jamaica.

Hannah Hunhoff
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2021


By Hannah Hunhoff, Lifestyle Reporter

Teaching business classes at the University of Technology-Jamaica (UTech), Mauvalyn Bowen noticed the entrepreneurial spirit that encompassed her classrooms. Her students started small businesses, such as jerk chicken stands. Car washing services. Website design.

Through watching her students’ businesses flourish and seeing a need for economic development in the country, Bowen contemplated expanding the UTech business department. Bowen also remembers starting her entrepreneurship journey at a young age, riding a donkey into town to sell bulks of potatoes, yams and bananas.

Born and raised in Jamaica, current Associate Professor of Business at Bethel University Bowen became a Fulbright scholar and earned her Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota in 2008. The Fulbright program encouraged Bowen to use her intrinsic gifts to serve her country.

“[Students at UTech] have a craving for being creative and innovative. Why not come back and start a school or expand the Department of Business?” — Mauvalyn Bowen, Associate Professor of Business at Bethel University

“[Students at UTech] have a craving for being creative and innovative, ‘’ Bowen said. “Why not come back and start a school or expand the Department of Business?”

Dr. Mauvalyn Bowen passionately explains the purpose of the “secret shopping” assignment in Sales class Thursday Nov. 4 at Bethel University. Bowen looked forward to gaining insight about what her students learned through the assignment as some presumed the role of “secret shopper” at Guitar Center and Ragstock. “I care deeply about my students and want them to be successful and finish their program of study strong,” Bowen said. | Photo by Hannah Hunhoff

Bowen became the head of the Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership at Utech from 2009 to 2011. After advancing the school and developing a business incubator program, Bowen moved back to Minnesota and started teaching at Bethel in 2017.

This is the first time Bowen has taught at a Christian institution, which presented her with the opportunity to passionately integrate her faith into her teaching, faculty relationships and scholarly research.

As students start their own businesses, Bowen urges them to stick to their biblical teaching and maximize opportunities for Shalom.

Entering the Hagstrom Center, Bowen marches into her sales class wearing a striped top with an aquamarine sweater and reminds her students “you are brilliant.”

It makes you have a sense that there is someone out there who is supporting you, caring for you, and sees the best in you, even when you see things that you are struggling with.” — Josh Wegner, business student at Bethel University

It makes you have a sense that there is someone out there who is supporting you, caring for you and sees the best in you,” business major Josh Wegner said.



Hannah Hunhoff
Writer for

A marketing and advertising professional, passionate about telling the stories behind purpose-driven people and brands.