Josh Sanchelli
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2019


Photo by Emma Gottschalk

‘I don’t know what food I should eat whenever I’m in the DC’

Oddly, I have no idea what I’m doing.

[Editor’s note: “I don’t know what I’m doing” is a recurring personal column that pays homage to Johnny Auping’s “I have no idea what I’m doing” personal column in The New Yorker. Opinions expressed here belong only to the author, and, we hope, nobody else on the planet.–Josh Towner, opinions editor]

By Josh Sanchelli |Journalist

I know that at this point, as a sophomore, I should know what class i need to be registering for, but I don’t. I still don’t have a clue as to what class I should take over Interim, or why it’s even a requirement to take a class over, what could be part of my Christmas break. I don’t even know what all the tag letters mean or why it’s important that a Theology major take a science class.

I don’t know what food I should eat whenever I’m in the DC. Burgers and fries, or go with the classic pizza. Should I try something new today, or stick with my usual. Looks like its a special day, should I try that, most likely will stick with what I know.

I still don’t know how to set up my computer to the schools printer. Hence why I continue to use mobile print, where I know I can email my documents and have it ready to print. But I don’t know how to use all the features on the printer, or even how to scan something to my computer if I never connect.

I still don’t know all the students names I T.A. for, and I’m the one taking attendance. Half the time I hope they turn something in, so I can look at their names just to memorize it, but I forget to do so. Nor do I remember to even take attendance, because at this point I simply count the number of students in class each day and hope everyone is there.

I don’t even know what time I should leave my house by. Living in Anoka, MN, it may only be 20 minutes away, but that doesn’t mean I wont run into some traffic on the way to school. I know the route I’m going to take, it’s the same one everyday, but will there be a lot of people making me late, I guess i won’t know until start driving.

I don’t always know what’s going on around campus. One of the downsides to living off campus I suppose. I don’t know if I missed out something. I don’t know if I have FOMO, I mean how could I, if I never knew I missed something in the first place.

I guess it’s normal though, still having more questions than answers, when you thought college should help. When really, college gives you all the new questions you didn’t think you ever needed or wanted.

