Professor Mauvalyn Bowen poses for a photo as she leaves her office on Bethel University’s campus on Feb. 15, 2017. Bowen recently accepted a full-time position with Bethel’s business program for the fall of 2017. “In the next 10 years I want to still be here and doing great work in the classroom, because this work is enjoyable and fulfilling to me,” Bowen says.

Professor Project: Mauvalyn Bowen

Alayna Hoy
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2017


By Alayna Hoy | Journalist

Professor Mauvalyn Bowen is one of the most recent additions to Bethel’s business program. A native of Jamaica, Bowen moved to the United States to pursue a master’s degree, and later a doctoral degree, on a Fulbright scholarship. Before coming to Bethel, Bowen returned to Jamaica and helped develop and implement a school of entrepreneurship at the University of Technology (UTech). Bowen served as the head of the school for its first couple of years. Bowen currently instructs the senior seminar class for entrepreneurship, a role in which she gets to combine her passions for teaching and business in a faith-affirming environment.

When did you begin teaching at Bethel?

“The spring of 2016. I’ve been teaching here for three semesters … I am from Jamaica. I moved to Minnesota in 2005.”

Where did you attend college?

“I have a degree in business education from the College of Arts, Science and Tech, or CAST. It has since changed to UTech (University of Technology in Jamaica) … I came to Minnesota on a Fulbright Scholarship. I got my masters degree at Southern Illinois University. Then I got my Ph.D. at the U of M.”

What kind of research are you currently working on?

“I helped write a book on entrepreneurship which was published in 2014. It’s called Entrepreneurship for Caribbean Students. I just completed the revised edition. I’ve been working on a supplemental book with questions and cases. It helps students prepare for the CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exam). ”

Why did you chose Bethel?

“A friend at my church, Wayzata Free Church, told me about Bethel. I had never taught at a Christian school before. I feel blessed to be here and meet such wonderful colleagues. To share the same story of Jesus and love is a joy.”

I developed a degree at UTech (in Jamaica) and helped create a school of entrepreneurship. It’s the first of its kind in the Caribbean. That is something that has been a passion.”

What has been one success of your career?

I developed a degree at UTech (in Jamaica) and helped create a school of entrepreneurship. It’s the first of its kind in the Caribbean. That is something that has been a passion.”

Professor Mauvalyn Bowen prepares for her entrepreneurship class to begin at Bethel University on Feb. 16, 2017. Bowen helped develop and lead the school of entrepreneurship at the University of Technology in Jamaica before coming to work at Bethel. “I love [teaching],” Bowen says. “I have a passion for seeing young people grow and develop to their fullest potential.”

Why do you teach?

“I love it. I have a passion for seeing young people grow and develop to their fullest potential.”

If you weren’t a professor, what would you do instead?

“When I was young I wanted to be a broadcaster and read news on the TV. Now I would want to be a social entrepreneur, helping folks develop and grow in underdeveloped communities.”

Who or what has most influenced you?

“My mom is my motivator, my rock, my example. She was a great woman of God. She taught me to do well and work hard. She taught me when you fall to brush yourself off and be strong.”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

“Teleporting ... I’m from Wayzata and I’m afraid of driving on the snow and highway here to Bethel.”

What is your most embarrassing teaching story?

“I am not so tech-savvy. In one class I was trying to close out of a video with a remote control and I could not do it.”

“My husband always says, ‘Let God be the center of your joy.’”

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

“To be true to who I am. To be me. Be the best version of me that I can be. Open. Fun. Giddy. Loving. To be true to who you are. My husband always says, ‘Let God be the center of your joy.’”

What do you love about Bethel?

“The food. It’s not costly. Also the campus is beautiful and peaceful.”

What do you hate about Bethel?

“I don’t hate anything about Bethel, but I am still trying to learn its culture.”

“Be more open to other perspectives, styles and approaches. Open to listen and open to learn.”

What is one critique you have of Bethel’s student community?

“I would love it if students would just be themselves. Be more open to other perspectives, styles and approaches. Open to listen and open to learn.”

What is the best moment you’ve experienced in your time at Bethel?

“The small things matter to me. My colleagues here show care and love. And a thank you card I received from one of my students, saying she appreciates me.”

Professor Mauvalyn Bowen teaches the senior seminar class for entrepreneurship at Bethel University on Feb. 16, 2017. She began teaching for the Bethel business program three semesters ago. “I feel blessed to be here and meet such wonderful colleagues. To share the same story of Jesus and love is a joy,” Bowen says.

What’s something your students don’t know about you?

“I have a phobia of flying. And yet I have to fly fairly often for conferences, vacations and to go to Jamaica.”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

“I will be in a full time position at Bethel as of this fall. In the next 10 years I want to still be here and doing great work in the classroom, because this work is enjoyable and fulfilling to me.”

