Noah made friends with two nurses, Carmen (left) and Melina (right) at an internship at a Christian home facility in Sotillo, Spain. He learned many things on the trip including to trust God in the daily life and to turn to him before going to others. | Photo submitted by Noah Mutter-Schulz

Segovia to St. Paul

Bethel student Noah Mutter-Schulz reflects on time spent studying abroad over fall term.

Maddie Christy
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2016


By Cali Pearcy, Carlo Holmberg and Maddie Christy | Royal Report

Noah Mutter-Schulz had never put in an IV before. With no training or instructions he was handed a needle and a bed sheet and told there was no better time to learn than now. Astonished at the fact that the Spanish nurses entrusted him to stick a patient, he nonchalantly made his way into the room, ready to begin his nursing career.

“It was interesting to see how the nurses there treated the residents,” Mutter-Shulz said.

Mutter-Schulz, sophomore Spanish and nursing double-major at Bethel University, spent the fall semester studying abroad in Segovia, Spain. He lived with a host family, completed a nursing internship at a nursing home and studied history cultures, literature and photography. All of this was done in Spanish.

“It was a challenging and rewarding semester,” Mutter-Schulz said.

Noah talks about his experience in Segovia, Spain. He had an internship at a Christian home facility and at a nursing home. | Photo by Carlo Holmberg

Mutter-Schulz enjoyed spending time with his host family — specifically spending time in the kitchen learning to cook with his host mom.

“He was always in the kitchen cooking new things,” Alyssa Norby, fellow student on the trip, said. “He would always go home and send us pictures of the foods he made.”

Mutter-Schulz isn’t set on his major or career yet. This trip helped him to learn to trust God more each day. He will continue to pray about what God has in store for his life in the next few years.



Maddie Christy

managing editor at The Bethel University Clarion