Men’s Soccer Coach Jeremy Iwaszkowiec prepares to warm up his teaming during the fall 2022 season. | Photo courtesy of Neil Ihde

Student athletes share time with God

Bethel Royals spend the new 40-minute community time building upon their faith.

Abbi Bates
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2023


By Abbi Bates | Freelance Writer

Director of Athletics at Bethel University Greg Peterson sat and listened in RC 422, a dimly lit classroom at Bethel University at 10:20 a.m. Monday. Six students and two other staff members discussed Bethel’s Covenant For Life Together.

Men’s Soccer Coach Jeremy Iwaszkowiec started their time by passing out hard-copy cardstock handouts of Bethel’s Covenant, a document all individuals associated with Bethel sign in agreement to “share the college’s commitment to integrating evangelical Christian faith with learning and life.”

They discussed stigma around it, how it makes them feel, how they learn from it, how their teams withhold the Covenant and how their coaches approach the topic at hand.

This was the second time the bible study took place. The nine individuals was less of a turnout compared to the 15 student athletes that came the first time.

Sophomore Greta McArthur competes in the spring 2022 season. | Photo courtesy of Austin Lagesse

Sophomore golfer Greta McArthur has been to both gatherings. McArthur is a sophomore business and political science major from Fargo, North Dakota.

“It’s just a bunch of words. Sometimes I read it and I think it sounds like something I want to do. And then just that’s where I leave it,” McArthur said.

“This is our first time trying something like this and we are holding it loosely. We want our athletes to hear from other coaches who they might not normally hear from and be encouraged in their pursuit of Jesus,” — Jeremy Iwaszkowiec, Men’s Soccer Coach

At the beginning of the 2023 spring semester, Bethel’s Campus Ministry team announced that Monday’s chapel times would be reserved for “community time” instead of a traditional chapel experience.

“This is our first time trying something like this and we are holding it loosely. We want our athletes to hear from other coaches who they might not normally hear from and be encouraged in their pursuit of Jesus,” Iwaszkowiec said.

There are at least 18 groups that Campus Ministry is aware of that meet every Monday. Some athletic teams, like football, use this time to connect with their team in specific.

“A couple of weeks ago I peeked into a team specific community group and they were split into small groups praying,” Peterson said. “That is powerful!”

When Peterson was first aware of the community, he thought, “Awesome!”

“We have talked for a long time about starting something like this and having the flexibility to do it during Monday chapel times has been great,” Peterson said.

“I think when [coaches and student athletes] can build relationships and have an intentional time like this, it further can encourage our student athletes, give them different perspectives and opportunities to grow,” Peterson said. “I also think when [student athletes] can hear from different coaches, adults, etc., it is meaningful.”

“It’s a welcoming space where we can listen to coaches and also share what we are thinking as athletes. I look forward to future groups where we will hear from different coaches,” –Greta McArthur, sophomore golfer

McArthur feels that it is an open space for her to discuss Christianity within athletics.

“It’s a welcoming space where we can listen to coaches and also share what we are thinking as athletes. I look forward to future groups where we will hear from different coaches,” McArthur said. “I also enjoy the aspect of being able to share our own thoughts and experiences but also learn from campus leaders.”

As the 40 minutes came to a close, Iwaszkowiec thanked students for showing up.

“You’re gonna take this into your life … you’re being invited into this lifelong process, which I think is pretty cool, beautiful, amazing thing,” Iwaszkowiec said. “I hope that I am inviting students to continue to think, grow, and inquire while being encouraging, positive, and honest.”

The group will continue to meet with no end date Monday mornings at 10:20 a.m.

