Image by Maya Phillips


What was your first date?

Maya Phillips
Published in
1 min readMay 14, 2024


Videography by Maylon Anderson, Isaac Johnson, Sophia Meyers and Maya Phillips. Produced by Maya Phillips.

Bethel students reminisce on their first dates, recalling bonding with a date’s family while bowling and hiding a lactose intolerance on an ice cream date. One student went on a blind date, another had a nice day playing tennis but didn’t secure a second date. Some found a lasting relationship with those first dates.

Other students haven’t had a first date, but they give ideas of drive-in movies, walks or museums for that first romantic interlude.

“I’ve never had a first date, but…,” junior art and English major Bella Haveman said. “We would hang out in a park or maybe go to a museum.”

  • Videography by Maylon Anderson, Isaac Johnson, Sophia Meyers and Maya Phillips.
  • Produced by Maya Phillips.
  • Music: “Rainy Day” by BenSound.

[To better learn their camera kits and Adobe Premiere, Digital Storytelling students produce #TFTB — Thoughts from the Bubble — each spring at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. If you have a question you want asked, please post it in the YouTube comment section. Also, consider checking out other student projects at Royal Report. For more information about Bethel University English and Journalism, click here.]



Maya Phillips

English and History major at Bethel University who likes to write on long flights