Image by Elena Lor


What’s your hot take?

Elena Lor
Published in
1 min readMay 16, 2024


By Elena Lor and Megan Silmser

Videographer/Producer by Elena Lor and Megan Silmser

Bethel students’ hot takes range from food preferences to holidays or seasons. Some talked about how Chipotle and cheeseburgers are overrated, and how they prefer something else — and one talked about buttered toast for a while.

Otherwise, Bethel students gave quick answers about their hot take before leaving.

“Flynn Ryder is not that cute,” freshman Emily Dieter said. “I prefer Kristoff.”

  • Videographer/Producer by Elena Lor and Megan Silsmer.
  • Music: “Acoustic Breeze” by BenSound.

[To better learn their camera kits and Adobe Premiere, Digital Storytelling students produce #TFTB — Thoughts from the Bubble — each spring at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. If you have a question you want asked, please post it in the YouTube comment section. Also, consider checking out other student projects at Royal Report. For more information about Bethel University English and Journalism, click here.]

