TFTB: Where do you want to wake up tomorrow (3)?

Bethel photojournalists asked 10 people in the Bethel bubble one question. Here’s what they found.

Carlo Holmberg


By: Carlo Holmberg and Connor Hanson | For the Clarion

“I want to wake up in Switzerland because there is a river running through it with swans, and there are mountains. I went there for German club in my junior year of high school.” — Madeline Koengeter, sophomore communications major

“I want to wake up in New Zealand. It is a beautiful place. I can tour the Shire.” — Andrei Collins, junior biology major

“I want to wake up in Italy. I just really wanna visit there and experience the food and the architecture.” — Claire Stephens, junior nursing major

“I would wake up in Norway because of the ancestral background. I love Europe and have gone over there multiple times. I teach a study abroad class over there, and I would wake up there tomorrow if I could”- Bruce Olsen, accounting professor

“I would want to live in a fantasy world. One along the lines of steampunk, except with magic and magical figures.” — Parker Rothenbacher-Schmittdiel, freshman english literature major

“I would wake up in Greece. It is very warm in Greece, and I thoroughly enjoy that. I also have family that I would love to visit over there.” — Brody Hed, sophomore psychology major

“I would wake up in Squam Lake New Hampshire. It’s a beautiful, peaceful, and glorious place. I have a lot of great memories there, and that is why I would wake up there.” — Amanda Carter, business professor

“I would wake up in Dublin at my grandma’s house because I miss her, and I felt like I didn’t get to spend as much time with her over break.” — Darragh King, junior business major

“I would wake up in Ecuador because I studied abroad there and I already miss it. It is absolutely beautiful there, and it was a very fun trip. We studied ecology there, so it was amazing seeing all of the nature.” — Jordyn Carlson, junior biology major

“I want to wake up in Antarctica because how many times am I going to wake up there. There are lot of animals. I want to study the ecosystem and how it is changing.” — Beth Munson, senior biology major

