TFTB: Where do you want to wake up tomorrow (4)?

Bethel photojournalists asked 10 people in the Bethel bubble one question. Here’s what they found out.

Brianna Shaw


By Maddie Christy and Bri Shaw | For the Clarion

“Back in Salzburg, Austria because it’s prettier there…and Donald Trump isn’t there.” — Nicole Larson, senior business marketing major/psychology minor, Apple Valley

“The Christian answer would be to wake up in heaven ’cause then you’re with God, but I’d like to see my family and friends. So in my bed.” — Katie Cudo, sophomore social work major/political science minor, Rockford

“My bed because if I woke up anywhere else it’d be weird.” — Grace Payne, freshman nursing major, Longville

“I would want to wake up in Monto Springs, CO. I spent weeks there over the last few summers with Summit Ministries. I would love to be back.” — Ike Goetzman, sophomore math and physics major, Spicer

“I would want to wake up in Hawaii. It’s warm and relaxing and you can live on island time. I went to Maui during my freshman year of high school with my grandma. So going back would be a reminder of the time I got to spend there with her.” — Jessica Nafe, freshman organizational communication major, New Richland

“I want to wake up in Brooklyn with my best friend who just got kicked out of Bethel.” — Jake Winter, sophomore psychology major, Omaha, Nebraska

“I want to wake up in the mountains in Colorado under all the stars.” — Natalie Gilmore, senior organizational communication major, Shoreview

“I like waking up in the dorm; ideally that is where I want to be in my life right now.” — Katherine Michelson, freshman biology/science education major, Rochester

“Florida because it’s warm. I would go there for spring breaks.” — Sean Jacobsen, sophomore business major/finance minor, Stillwater

“I want to wake up in Marco Island, Florida. No, scratch that. I would want to wake up in Austria. I went to a Bible school there for a few months and loved it. I would love to be back in that environment and especially in the Alps. It’s gorgeous there, more scenic than Minnesota.” — Henry Morris, sophomore accounting and finance major, Shoreview

