Bethel University freshman and Edgren Hall residents sit alongside resident assistant and senior Alexa Murphy. This occurred in the Edgren Hall lobby May 8 at 7:20 p.m. during Shack. Elliana Leach, Allison Hoerer, Titus Bennett and Keegan Barrett laugh as they share moments from their day while listening to “Buy Dirt” by Jordan Davis and Luke Bryan. | Photo by Lily Noonan

The faith-fueled transfer

Bethel University Senior Alexa Murphy escapes loneliness and uncertainty by transferring and finding a purpose to deepen her spirituality. Embracing challenges, serving others, and striving to share her love for Jesus.

Lily Noonan
Published in
5 min readMay 19, 2024


By Lily Noonan

Alexa Murphy sat alone at Winona State University in her single room with no roommate. She often got distracted on the black futon under her lofted bed, which overlooked a neighboring boarding school, watching children play while she tried to complete her online anatomy Zoom. In fall of 2020, the only company Murphy had was pictures of friends and family scattered on her walls, Mamma Mia posters and a diagram of a human skeleton she studied for class. Two and a half hours away from her family, she was forced to test for COVID-19 anytime she wanted to leave her dorm. Her “Come to Jesus moments” poster led her to question the meaning of life. She wasn’t sure what she wanted her life to look like, but it wasn’t this place.

“I would say my faith is everything to me. My faith is it. It impacts the way that I do everything in my life,” Alexa Murphy, Bethel transfer student

Raised in a Christian household, Murphy’s family integrated faith into her lifestyle from a young age. Once she left home, she desired to discover her own faith, separate from her family. There weren’t many Winona State students who helped encourage Murphy through her journey, which led her to look into more Christ-centered communities.

“I would say my faith is everything to me. My faith is it. It impacts the way that I do everything in my life,” Murphy said.

Bethel University senior and Edgren Hall resident assistant Alexa Murphy sits crisscrossed in her dorm room May 9. Every morning and night, Murphy journals using her bible and colored pens. She sits in silence with a slight breeze from the opened window, allowing herself to fully invest in God and His words. | Photo by Lily Noonan

Murphy felt isolated, discouraged in her faith and physically sick every time she drove from Eden Prairie to Winona she’d have hives, a fever, and throw-up. She knew two weeks into her freshman year at Winona State that she needed to transfer. In the spring of 2021, Murphy became a Royal.

Now, a senior at Bethel University, Murphy will be graduating on May 25 with a nursing major and a biology and Spanish minor. Murphy has been a resident assistant in Edgren Hall for the last two years and has worked for the study abroad office.

“Even in her busyness, Alexa still stays consistent in her faith practices and finds ways to pour into and serve others,” said Madi Kremer, Murphy’s close friend and fellow Bethel student.

“I always knew she had such a deep and sincere faith and love for the Lord. Throughout the last few years, she’s really leaned into that,” Daniel Parkin, Resident Director of Edgren Hall

Immersed in her nursing clinicals throughout the Twin Cities, Murphy said she embraces her faith, allowing it to shape her perspective on the impact she has on others. Beyond her connections with professors and peers, she envisions her future interactions with patients through the lens of her beliefs, recognizing the significance of compassion and empathy in the medical field.

“I always knew she had such a deep and sincere faith and love for the Lord. Throughout the last few years, she’s really leaned into that,” said Daniel Parkin, Resident Director of Edgren Hall and Murphy’s boss.

Though Murphy’s faith has always been a personal anchor, she has recently begun sharing her beliefs more openly, inspiring those around her. She joins friends for runs around Lake Valentine, organizes floor events at Sky Zone, and joins her freshman residents singing along to every word of “It’s Everyday Bro” by Jake Paul. Murphy infuses moments of fun and laughter into her journey and campus life while aiming to show other college students what it’s like to know and love Christ.

Graphic by Lily Noonan

Murphy’s non-negotiable ritual is her quiet time. Each morning, she settles onto her slightly elevated bed, supported by a plush white sit-up pillow, in a cross-legged position as she journals and immerses herself in the wisdom of the Bible. Through worship and prayer, Murphy finds comfort in connecting with God, opening her heart to listen to His guidance and grace.

Whether she’s preparing for class, commuting to clinical, or simply strolling across campus with her AirPods in place, Murphy can often be found immersed in worship music, allowing it to uplift her spirit and keep her connected to her faith throughout the day.

One transformative moment that led her to where she is today was her trip to Guatemala in the summer of 2023.

In Guatemala, Murphy lived in a small concrete building with two rooms and seven people. No doors, no windows, for two months during the rainy season. While it was physically and emotionally exhausting at times, the Lord revealed Himself through her activities abroad.

Nursing student at Bethel, Alexa Murphy helps local in Guatemala with physical therapy exercises. Murphy lived in Guatemala for 3 months during the summer of 2023. She began to build friendships with the Guatemalans after helping them for months on end. | Submitted by Alexa Murphy

“It drew me closer to the Lord than I think any experience ever has because I had to rely on Him for everything… I relied on his strength every morning, and he renewed me,” Murphy said.

Murphy described how her host family welcomed her and treated her as one of their own for several months. Although they didn’t necessarily share the same language or culture, they were able to exemplify Jesus even when they might have not known the Lord themselves.

Through transferring to Bethel’s community, she was able to learn what it means to be a Christian in all that she does. Post graduation, Murphy plans on taking the board exam to become licensed as a registered nurse.

“My main goal is to continue building the kingdom of God. Before I’m anything else, before I’m a nurse, before I’m an RA, before any of that I’m a child of God. And, I’m called to share about Him and share about Him to others,” Murphy said.

