Sydney Riggs fulfills her Welcome Week Coordinator duties during day one of the move-ins. | Submitted by Holloway-Riggs

Welcome Week incident forces move-out

Welcome Week Coordinator slammed in the face with a futon leaves her no option but to return home during her final year of college.

Abbi Bates
Published in
8 min readApr 27, 2023


By Abbi Bates | Freelance Writer

Sydney Holloway-Riggs stood outside of Arden Village in mid-October with tears streaming down her face and a Honda CR-V heaved with all of her belongings, including Chacos, her Bible and Texas A&M t-shirts.

“I never thought I would move out of my dorm the fall of my senior year,” Holloway-Riggs said.

On Aug. 25, 2021, a futon struck Holloway-Riggs in the head during Welcome Week.

The end of first day of move-ins was coming to a close. There were still a handful of cars roaming in for the evening to move in. All but a few had gone in for dinner. Josh Sampson and Micah Smith struggled to unload a futon from a large SUV. They called over Holloway-Riggs to help.

Sydney Riggs and Joel Smith welcome students during move-in on day one with smiling faces at Freshmen Hill. | Submitted by Holloway-Riggs

The jostled futon was shoved and slammed against the side of her face and shoulder.

“Ow, ow, ow,” Holloway-Riggs said while she gripped her head.

“Go sit down,” Smith said to her immediately.

After bringing the futon into the dorm, Smith, a health education major, marched back to perform a concussion test — examining for differences in pupil sizes, slurred speech, weakness and decreased coordination.

“I think you have a concussion,” Smith said.

As one of three Welcome Week Coordinators, Holloway-Riggs felt she had no choice but to continue through the next four days of Welcome Week despite feeling “different.” Little did she know this would be a five-month recovery that would result in taking the rest of the academic year off.

The day following her concussion, she presented on stage in Benson Great Hall to all incoming freshmen and their parents. She couldn’t quite remember what she had talked to them about.

“I was probably slurring my words,” Holloway-Riggs said.

She never slowed down all four days. 7 a.m. to midnight. Planning the lakeside picnic, commissioning service, the Show, the Bethel Student Government party and the Day of Service. She took frequent breaks in her supervisor’s office to lie down in a dark room. Bright lights and blaring sun caused discomfort and she was unable to lift her arm. Holloway-Riggs knew something was wrong with her health.

“I just feel like there should have been so many red flags,” she said.

She continued with Welcome Week tasks as she prepared to start her senior year of classes in her elementary K-6 major.

“She’s normally the most bubbly and friendly person,” said boyfriend, now husband, Mark Riggs, “but when she was concussed all she wanted to do and was able to do was pretty much lie in bed most of the day. It was hard to see how much it took out of her and how slow the recovery process was.”

Welcome Week finished and Monday morning marked the beginning of the fall semester. Holloway-Riggs visited Bethel’s on-campus Nurse Practitioner Elizabeth Ewest, who told her she most likely had a concussion and to take breaks from looking at her computer.

Days went by and her symptoms did not improve. Headaches proceeded, bright light still brought irritation, and dizziness followed her everywhere she walked. Alicia Ochs, Associate Dean for Student Care, met with Holloway-Riggs during the first week of the semester. Holloway-Riggs was given a month of full accommodations considering the circumstances.

Student Life Staff member and Associate Dean for Campus Engagement, Nate Gustafson, declined to comment on the incident as he wasn’t hired until Jan. 2022.

After more visits, Ewest prescribed her an antidepressant intended to help with concussion symptoms and told Holloway-Riggs to take over-the-counter magnesium. Holloway-Riggs was resilient in visiting Ewest. At the beginning of Oct., she was referred to a neurologist as symptoms were not improving.

“I was just in a hole … I was not going to be able to get out of it.” — Holloway-Riggs

Her stay at Bethel lasted only a month after the incident. The decision was made for her to move out and go home to Hartford, South Dakota. Her 18-credit semester came to a close after her advisor, Education Licensing & Advising Specialist in the Education Department, Nadine Johnson, encouraged her to do so. Orchs also told her she needed to go home to care for her health.

“I was just in a hole … I was not going to be able to get out of it,” Holloway-Riggs said.

Her fiancé packed up most of her dorm for her.

Sydney Holloway-Riggs stands with her dorm packed in her Honda CR-V in mid-October ready to move back home to South Dakota during her senior year of college. She posted on Instagram Oct. 16 announcing her departure. | Photo by Sydney Holloway-Riggs

“That’s not how I wanted my senior year to go,” Holloway-Riggs said.

Upon moving home, she saw her primary care provider who told her she had a severe concussion. They sent her in for an MRI and she started physical therapy for her shoulder.

The MRI results displayed inflammation in the brain. Her doctor told her that she should do nothing except go to physical therapy and begin speech therapy.

“I was all by myself and I had to just, like, stay there and sleep. I felt like I was watching everyone from the sidelines.” — Holloway-Riggs

The months following brought back feelings similar to those of COVID-19 quarantine, isolated and alone in a room.

“I was all by myself and I had to just, like, stay there and sleep. I felt like I was watching everyone from the sidelines,” Holloway-Riggs said.

In January, she could watch movies and listen to podcasts and music again. She continued to go to speech therapy where she had to relearn how to read out loud again, do basic math facts, elementary logic puzzles and complete mock college homework assignments.

During her five months of recovery, Holloway-Riggs was most grateful for the people who called and texted her to check in — especially her education professors. It was clear they were eager to have her back.

When she originally moved home she thought she would return back to Bethel in January. which was moved to a further date by her care providers as the inflammation surrounding her brain was not receding.

In March she began to feel as though life was going back to normal. Her MRI said the same: the inflammation receded. She filed for workers’ compensation from being a Welcome Week Coordinator and began the process of registering for the upcoming fall semester.

She worked with Johnson to get registration holds removed. The billing office attempted to charge her for the semester she did not complete. Johnson advocated for her. Miranda Powers, Vice President of Student Experience, ended up reaching out to Holloway-Riggs — apologized, took accountability and released the hold.

Holloway-Riggs moved back to the Twin Cities spring of 2022, where she lived with a couple of other Bethel friends while nannying.

“I just needed the tiniest bit of normalcy in my life,” Holloway-Riggs said.

They would go on roomie walks after dark around their neighborhood by off of County Road E about three minutes from Bethel’s campus. They would cook sheet pan dinners and popcorn in the kitchen.

“When Katherine, Syd, Taylor, and I were all together we’d get really giggly,” one of three roommates, Talia Egge said.

Holloway-Riggs was able to regain the roommate experience she dearly missed.

Sydney Holloway-Riggs and Mark Riggs were married July 16, 2022. They moved in together and live in Maple Grove.

Bridesmaids and groomsmen prepare the Honda CR-V for their reception exit at their wedding. | Photo by Leah Vigil

Holloway-Riggs has student taught this spring at Pinewood Elementary in the Mounds View School District. “As a teacher myself, it’s fun to hear her stories and share advice as she student teaches,” her mother, Pam Holloway said. She is set to graduate this spring.

Mark and Sydney Riggs enter their reception as newlyweds. | Photo by Emily Moin

Post-concussion symptoms are a daily battle. She still experiences dizziness, overstimulation, loss of focus and longevity of task completion.

She hopes to get a full-time teaching position. However, Holloway-Riggs said she needs to take a break for a while and regroup before going into a full-time job. “It’s a whole different type of stress to go from zero to 100,” Holloway-Riggs said.

Mark and Sydney alongside others in the wedding party at the reception. | Photo by Leah Vigil

“I’ll continue to support her by encouraging (her) to take the rest that she deserves. I want her to be able to truly decompress this summer and enjoy the warm weather that she loves so much,” Mark Riggs said.

Mark and Sydney celebrate their marriage by dancing together. | Photo by Leah Vigil

From her concussion, she learned to advocate for herself, wait on God’s timing and be grateful for the small things in life.

“This challenge…was just one she took head-on. She worked hard in therapy and kept her head up. She was able to spend quality time with her friends and family and used her negative circumstance as a positive,” Pam Holloway said.

“It’s just really made me grateful for the little things that got placed in my life and the little spots of sunshine throughout the situation. There were a lot of tears and it was really hard…I think it’s okay to be sad because I think it was really sad,” Holloway-Riggs said.

“I’m so stinking proud of her. She has overcome so much to plan a beautiful wedding and complete her senior year … I’ve always been proud of Sydney. She’s always trusted the Lord in all areas of her life and He’s blessed her with great leadership skills, a huge loving heart and wisdom some people only wish for,” Pam Holloway said.

Bethel University’s 2022 Welcome Week video.

