Senior Keegan Feller goes through his daily saxophone warmups. | Photo by Nick LaFrombois.

What it Feels Like… to Play a Really Wrong Note

Keegan Feller messes up and moves on.

Nick LaFrombois
Published in
1 min readDec 7, 2018


By Nick LaFrombois | Photojournalist

Keegan Feller stands in front of three judges, ready to give a performance in order to find out where he will be placed. “Whenever you’re ready,” one of the judges says.

“But, at those moments, you just gotta move on with it.”– Keegan Feller, senior saxophonist

Keegan begins to play his alto saxophone, and six measures in, he begins to sweat. His brows become moist, his hands begin slipping on the keys of the saxophone, and the stage lights beat down on his forehead as if a heated lamp had just been turned on and focused in on him. Suddenly, he plays a wrong note. He just messed up, he just gave up his spot as the first chair.

“But, at those moments, you just gotta move on with it,” Feller said.

