Announcing Betoken Omen

Our Testnet Beta where you can start earning real tokens

Zefram Lou
3 min readJul 16, 2018


Hello everyone, hope you’ve had a nice day. We at Betoken are thrilled to announce that we will release Betoken Omen, our Testnet Beta, on July 30th. Betoken early-birds & enthusiasts will be able to start earning real tokens simply by demonstrating their mad crypto-trading skillz. We can’t wait to see how awesome you all are!

Hold your horses, what is Betoken?

Betoken makes the best investments accessible to everyone in the form of a decentralized crypto hedge fund. Our open meritocratic system guarantees that your money is handled by the best people, and anyone can join us to get paid for their investment insights. Other hedge funds serve the top 0.7%, we serve 100%. Read this post to get started. Learn more at & Medium. Follow Betoken on Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook, and join the official Betoken Telegram community.

What’s new?

  • We’re excited to say that once Betoken hits Mainnet, we will allow direct conversion between Omen Kairo and Mainnet Kairo. That’s right, you can start earning real Kairo in just two weeks time, and we will be giving out Omen Kairo for free to our community members. Exact details of the conversion hasn’t been decided yet, but we’re hoping to have a 1:1 conversion, barring unforeseen circumstances such as a hack. (Kairo is Betoken’s utility token. Learn more in this post.)
  • We will provide a selection of dummy-tokens whose prices are synced with their real counterparts, including OMG, KNC, BAT, and more. Now, you can really test your hand at making investment decisions for Betoken, and earn solid tokens for your mad trading skillz. The world will be able to see how profitable our revolutionary Incentivized Meritocracy on-chain governance system can be.
  • We will provide a slightly upgraded version of our Testnet Alpha UI, with better aesthetics and better UX. We plan to ship our next-gen UI around early September, and you can see the mockups here. Stay tuned!
  • And of course, we have made a ton of changes to our Incentivized Meritocracy design since our Testnet Alpha, making it more efficient, more user friendly, more effective, and more inclusive. Security updates have also been made.

How can I join?

All you have to do is join our Telegram community! We will give our community members free Kairo tokens to start participating in the Beta, and answer any questions about anything Betoken. Clicking a link wouldn’t hurt your finger, would it? :)

To share your thoughts or to learn more about the project, come chat with Zefram, Surya and Guillaume directly on Telegram or Twitter. We look forward to seeing you there!

Don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list at Stay tuned for announcements on Reddit and Facebook. And we’re always looking for talented individuals to join the team. Please reach out to us at

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