Coping with FOMO

Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2019

Fear of Missing Out is an all-consuming, left-out feeling located at the intersection of loneliness and boredom. If you’re frequently attacked by FOMO, here are a few ways to combat it and understand why you’re feeling that way.

Slow down

Picture this: you’re on your couch scrolling through your socials and you see a picture of a group of friends you know out having fun. Or, you’re at class or work after a weekend of relaxing and you overhear a group of friends discussing the entertaining events of their own weekend — and it sounds much more fun than yours.

Discern why you’re bothered. Sometimes FOMO is an indication that you need to change something in your life. Do you wish you had reached out to friends to get together the past weekend? Get out your phone and plan something for the following weekend.

However, if you are feeling FOMO because you feel like you should be doing something, stop there. There is no “right” or “cool” way to spend a weekend. Do things that make YOU happy and FOMO will steer clear of you.

Focus on things you’re grateful for

This is a lesson that applies to everything in life. Gratitude for things you have trumps the anxiety that comes from focusing on what you don’t have. If you think the grass is greener on the other side, water your own. Prioritize the relationships you have with people you love over the material things. The same goes for optics — if you’re jealous of the way an event “presents” to other people, focus on being happy and having fun yourself instead.

Know you can’t have it all

Pursue things you are passionate about. Even though you won’t be able to work hard and go to a weekday concert, or hang out with your friends late at night when you have training in the morning, you’re working toward a goal that you believe in — that’s what matters.

An immediate fix to FOMO is reaching out to friends and family. Often times, FOMO hits during feelings of loneliness or moments where you’re not doing anything, so host your own get-together!

These tips will help you get rid of FOMO and form a healthier relationship with yourself.



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