Reframe Your Mindset

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3 min readJul 29, 2019

It’s easy to tell yourself you can’t do something, you’re not good enough for something, or something’s impossible. Getting in the habit of negative self-talk won’t lead to the results you want, but rather the exact opposite. Hyping yourself up with positive language will boost your energy and motivate you to challenge yourself beyond what you think your limits are.

I can’t do it. → I will be able to do this eventually.

Telling yourself that you aren’t able to do something will likely lead to you not being able to do it. In reality, you can do anything you set your mind to. Not being able to do something right now doesn’t mean you won’t ever be able to do it; it just means you have to work a little harder. Changing your mindset from one of inabilities to one of perseverance will go a long way in completing what you set out to do.

I’m not good enough for this. → I’m working towards improving myself to be able to do this.

There is nothing that you are not good enough for. The hard work you’re putting forth means you are good enough for it, you just need to keep working at it. Serena Williams, Leonardo DiCaprio, Elton John–they didn’t become greats overnight. It takes time, effort, and a lot of trial and error to become the great person you’re destined to become. You are good enough, and you always will be.

I make too many mistakes. → I’m trying my best to find the most efficient way to succeed.

Name one person who hasn’t made a mistake. That’s right, you can’t. Mistakes are an unfortunate part of life, but one that helps us learn and grow into the best versions of ourselves. Without mistakes…well, it’s impossible to think of a world without mistakes. Flubbing gives us the opportunity to see what doesn’t work, what can be fixed, and how we can perform at the top of our game.

I’m too slow, this is taking me too long. → I’m taking my time to ensure the best result.

Ever heard of the phrase “Slow and steady wins the race”? It definitely holds true in just about every situation. If something is taking you a long time, that doesn’t mean that you’re doing a poor job, it just means you’re paying attention to detail and taking special care of the task at hand (unless you’re truly being a procrastinator). Taking the time to make certain that your goals are met in the most efficient way possible will often provide you with the results you’re looking for.

I’ve reached my limit. → My limits have no ceiling.

There is no limit to what you can do; when you think you’ve reached your peak, there’s always more you can do. Stopping yourself when you think you’re done leaves a ton of untapped potential behind that has the chance to turn into something great. Shifting from a mentality of quitting at the top to one of pushing yourself beyond what you think you’re capable of will provide you with an entirely new way of thinking–one that will make you into the top of the line version of yourself.



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