What is Greatness?

Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2019

What is greatness? What does it take to be great? Who determines greatness? There is always a conversation about who is great, the best, the G.O.A.T. People spend years honing and developing their craft, some for success, infamy, to etch their names boldly in the history books, or just to be considered great. But who defines greatness? Many would say that you aren’t considered great until many people know your name. Until you are top of the charts, the topic of conversation, drowning in money, jewels, awards, trophies are you considered great. However, public recognition and definition of greatness is always changing. Why is greatness only defined by comparing two great individuals and determining which one is less great? “Lebron is the GOAT but is he better than Jordan.” “J. Cole is cool but he isn’t better than Kendrick.” Can’t people just be great without being forced into competition with other great individuals?

Greatness is not defined by society. It is not defined by how much money you have, the car you drive, or how much better you are than someone else. You define greatness for you. The way in which you are great cannot be compared to someone else. All the empty praises in the world could not convince you that you are great unless you feel it and know it on the inside. Do you ever wonder why some of the greatest musicians, performers, artists, spend less and less time getting into feuds with Twitter trolls or reporters? Greatness never has to give an explanation. True greatness is shown through one’s works and actions, the way in which you impact the lives of others. Greatness does not make excuses or shy away from failure. Again, most importantly, greatness does not define itself based on someone else’s greatness.

Living in a perpetual state of comparison and competition can become grueling hard work. Living your life based on the path of someone else will only leave you confused about who you are. The thought of competition with others for greatness will only leave you fearful of achieving and accomplishing goals because you are afraid you won’t do it as well as someone else or have the same outcome. Find your greatness. Find the things that make you great. Attack tasks in life head on with the intent of giving everything you got. Only you know about the late nights, the hard sacrifices, and the amount of work that you put in. Greatness looks different for everyone. For one person merely getting out of bed in the morning is greatness for them. So, hone your craft, practice your sport, leave your mark on your work, push through obstacles and break down barriers, do everything with the goal of achieving greatness for yourself and no else.



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