10 Ways “The Artist’s Way” Renewed My Creativity — and Life

4. I handle criticism well.

Alice Crady
Better Advice


Courtesy of the author, Alice Crady

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Walking through my neighborhood, I noticed an old, artsy-looking red book laying out for anyone to take. Skimming the pages, I noticed an accomplished female author had written it. I saw passages on anger, jealousy, and abundance. I took the book.

I am a determined, proactive, and goal-oriented type of person. Yet, I had been feeling anxious regularly; I was burning out at my prestigious tech job. On paper, my career plans were coming along beautifully. But I knew something was wrong. What exactly was I “winning”?

Somewhere along the way, I lost touch with my intuition.

Somewhere along the way, I lost touch with my intuition. Like so many in our productivity-obsessed culture, I sometimes thought of myself as a well-oiled machine, glorifying efficiency. I recall stumbling onto the “The Artist’s Way” book (affiliate link) as a synchronous moment; I had no idea how much I needed it.

Many well-known artists such as Tim Ferriss and Elizabeth Gilbert rave about “The Artist’s Way.” Before writing the book, Julia Cameron spent over ten years teaching a spiritual workshop to…



Alice Crady
Better Advice

🦋 I help friends increase holistic wellness through resources, stories, and insights. ❤️🕯 #Mental Health #Women #Relationships #Money #Self