17 Simple Triggers to Help You Start Whatever You Want

Use triggers well and you could stop procrastinating

Mathias Barra
Better Advice


Photo by MIOPS Trigger on Unsplash

Sitting down to get to a task is the hardest step of them all. We procrastinate. We find tons of excuses not to do the task right now. We tell ourselves “Future Me could handle this, right?

Maybe “Future Me” could, but he may just transfer the task to “Future Future Me”. And that guy’s not reliable at all. I’d rather rely on Current Me. That guy can be unstable but I’ve spent enough time with him to know him. I’ve even found ways to trigger him to stop procrastinating and start pretty much any task.

We often focus on the “beginning” of a task when the real beginning comes even before it. It’s the last thing we do before. It’s the trigger telling our brain to finally get to it.

When adding a new trigger to your life, you’ll have to mentally remind yourself of the goal of the task. At first, it won’t work that well. But repeat this for a month and your brain will make the association. Keep at it for years and it’ll be a major part of you.

Here are 17 simple triggers you could try. I’ve tried them all. Some worked for certain seasons of my life, some I still use to this day. Some only work as triggers for certain tasks, some others can work for any task. Play with…



Mathias Barra
Better Advice

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook → https://linktr.ee/MathiasBarra