20 Quotes From Robin Sharma’s 5 AM Club to Supercharge Your Day

Tiny Packets of Inspiration You Desperately Wanted

Aravind Balakrishnan
Better Advice


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

How often do you come across a real ‘stand-out’ advice from a motivational speaker?

How many times have you started reading an article that promised to inspire you, and then, halfway in the middle, you left with an overwhelming sense of deja vu?

Are you not bored with terms like ‘vision,’ ‘dreams,’ ‘passion,’ etc.?

I certainly am!

And here is the real problem. Amidst the verbal diarrhea of dreams and passions, something important is lost, and that something is the NEED FOR A SYSTEM.

A system is a set of habits and rituals, a productive routine you need to follow day in and out, to set your life on a trajectory of exponential growth; To meet your goals; To live the life you wanted.

But ‘system’ often gets understated and sabotaged for bigger ‘upwords’ like ‘potential’ and ‘dreams’. When the idea of a system is eventually talked about, what comes out are vague pointers like ‘exercise more,’ ‘less social media’ and so on.

Robin Sharma’s 5 AM Club is quite different.

Mr. Sharma is a man of clarity and gives you a concrete schedule to follow. No more…



Aravind Balakrishnan
Better Advice

Introvert or Shy? Not sure. Bibliophile or Cine-buff? Both. Nethead or Story-writer? Still dunno. All I know is I want to write to live and I live to write.