Better Advice

4 Habits of People Who Prefer To Be Alone

1# You do internal reflection.

Suzan Dalia
Better Advice
Published in
7 min readNov 3, 2023


Photo by Kristijan Arsov on Unsplash

We live in a world full of extroverted people and lots of social interaction (mostly less after the launch of social media) but there are people out there who find comfort in spending time alone, these are the classical introverts.

You’re probably an introvert like me, you prefer to be alone, not out of loneliness, but as a conscious choice. You’ve also developed unique habits that make you have fun in your own company, making the most of your alone time.

You prefer to be alone and unhappy than being surrounded by a crowd of people and still be unhappy. I believe some people are just simply born to be introverted. They don’t care about social status or pleasing other people.

You care about making yourself happy, and doing what you love the most.

Introverts do some things that are not very common with extroverted people such as:

1 — You Do Internal Reflection.

Normally, you prefer to be alone so you can have time to reflect on your past experiences and the steps you’ve to take to follow your heart’s purpose.

