4 Things That Stop You To Become the Best Version of You

Learn how to overcome your villains

Tser Dennis
Better Advice


Photo by Ali Kokab on Unsplash

Getting lost in a place you are not familiar with is a distressing experience.

Imagine that you are driving in a place late at night — Waze and Google maps can no longer detect where the heck you are — and there are no people to ask around — everything you see is trees and dark clouds.

The build-up of fear intensifies as you worry if you ever find your way to the right track. Your brain begins to shift to what-if scenarios. Like the idea of being tortured or killed by psychos who are just around the corner

Roadblocks towards success are similar to these particular instances. For years, we have built our jailers.

Most of us feel that we are not yet at our best because we hide from our self-created distress. It is like having a Microsoft Teams or Zoom conference call — we choose to switch off the video and mute our audio and forever be in limbo.

Each of us has different background and stories to tell.

As I approach my fortieth year here on earth, I have recognized the deceptions stopping the prime version of myself.

Justifying the Passage of Time



Tser Dennis
Better Advice

Career Coach ▫️ Christian Author ▫️ 8x Top Writer ▫️ 850+ Medium Articles