Better Advice

4 Tips (If Applied) On How To Change Your Life

Change only happens when you put in the work.

Suzan Dalia
Better Advice


Photo by Sonnie Hiles on Unsplash

We all want to change our lives for the better.

But it takes effort and discipline to be on the right track.

You may not see change overnight, but if you stay consistent, you’ll notice how much you’ve changed in one year.

Discipline is better than motivation.

Discipline is when you do the things that will lead you to your goals, even if you’re feeling sad, depressed, and hopeless. Even if you just argued with someone, you allow yourself to cry, do the job, and then go back to crying.

Life can be tough, especially when you’re around people who make fun of your dreams, but the best thing to do is achieve your dreams and ask them.

“Who’s laughing now?”

Don’t ever think to yourself that you’re not making any progress.

You’re always making progress.

And if you don’t know where to start, try these 4 tips.

1. Stop the fear of being seen and heard.

I’ve spent so many years not showing myself to the world.

That’s because I grew up in a dysfunctional environment that told me that I was not good enough and that no matter what I did, it was never enough.

So I thought to myself,

“Why show myself to the world? I’m not good enough.”

Thankfully, I’ve gotten rid of most of these rotten souls, who are the ones with deep insecurity issues. It was never about you; it was them.

They saw your potential and were threatened.

But the truth is, you’re gifted and have a special light.

So what’s better than pissing these people off?

Show off.

When you do that, you will receive compliments from strangers telling you that you should be proud of yourself and how likeable you are.

That’s when you realize you have been lied to your whole life.

Who cares what people think of you on social media?

Post that content, make that video, and write that article. Block those toxic family and old friends who didn’t believe in you. Don’t waste your time trying to explain yourself to people who refuse to understand you.

The more you conquer the fear of being seen, the more opportunities you will get. You never know what will land in your hands.

It could be potential relationships, friendships, or an opportunity to talk in front of 1000 people.

The fear of being seen blocks your blessings.

I used to think that posting valuable content meant you had to share advice with people, but it’s more than that. You share value by being yourself.

You become relatable. You show value by being passionate about cooking. You show value by being passionate about living a minimalistic lifestyle.

Showing what you’re passionate about is valuable content.

I know some people that I still stay in contact with. They used to be extraordinary people, but as they get older, they stop showing off because they have become insecure.

I know some of them just want to be private, but for others, it makes me sad to see them hiding from the world when they are great artists and have so much to offer.

Show your guitar skills, your painting skills, your cooking skills, your comedy skills, and your passion for art.

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”

— Roy T. Bennett.

2. Become open to learning while tired.

We don’t want to learn anything or be open to constructive criticism when we’re tired and lack energy, but we do it anyway.

You don’t have to understand anything at the moment, but you will understand later. It may take hours, days, weeks, months, or years before you understand the teachings.

I used to push loved ones away when they were telling me something valuable while I was tired or sad.

These days, I’m more likely to let them talk since I’m older. I might not understand anything, but all of a sudden, I’ll do what they advise me to do.

According to the law of attraction, your subconscious mind is more open to receiving information when you’re in a drowsy state.

Accept the exhaustion as a chance to learn more about how the world works and to gain a better understanding of yourself and why you make the choices that you do.

You can listen to educational podcasts, self-help audiobooks, or affirmations for abundance in the first 30 minutes of waking up (drowsy state)

You can also do those things before bed when your brain is getting ready for the alpha state. I’m not saying you should be productive and do projects while tired. You’re more likely to do poor performance doing that.

All you have to do is absorb information while feeling tired.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

— Dr. Seuss.

3. Spend 30 minutes doing something creative.

Sometimes we need a break from being adults.

And do something that will make our inner child happy.

It’s a great opportunity to make your inner child proud.

You can record yourself doing something artistic and post it on platforms such as TikTok. I’ve seen so many artists making a living from sharing their artwork on TikTok, such as painting or playing an instrument.

If you work a lot, try to spend the weekend doing something creative instead of partying out all night, which is a waste of time since you’re acting fake around fake people.

You could also spend 15 minutes doing something creative after work.

Giving yourself a little time every day to be creative is good for your soul.

I love to draw. I’ve been drawing since I was six years old, but I haven’t done it in a long time because I’ve been too busy working.

It wasn’t until I started drawing on my tablet again that I remembered that this was something that allowed me to fully express myself artistically.

Oh, and I write, of course, as you can see. I started doing this in my early 20s, but I used to write poetry and thoughts down when I was a kid.

I find it sad that people stop being creative over time; it’s like losing some of the magic that is inside you.

Don’t lose that magic just because you’re an adult now.

Be an adult full-time and a child part-time.

And of course, I mean in a childlike way, not a childish way.

If you don’t know how to draw, try to write. If you don’t know how to sing, try to play an instrument. If playing guitar is difficult for you as a beginner, try playing piano. (I’ve heard it’s easier for beginners.)

Take your time and use your imagination to find the artistic side of you, whether it’s writing, drawing, or playing an instrument.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

— Albert Einstein.

4. Dedicate 30 minutes to talk with a loved one.

We get so worked up on being busy in life.

It makes us forget about the people that mean a lot to us.

There’s a saying that goes,

“You don’t know what you got until it’s gone.”

Things will be taken away if you don’t value them.

You may think you know your family, but it isn’t until you spend at least thirty minutes.

You will get to know them better if you talk to them every day.

You never know if your parents will open up to you about something they did as young kids. It will give you a better understanding of why they are the way they are.

Maybe both of you are too busy to do something together in a relationship… But if you spend thirty minutes talking to each other, you will grow a deeper bond together.

This goes out for family, friends, and relationships.

To sum it up, what I’m trying to say is:

Spending thirty minutes with your loved ones will simply help you get to know each other better. You create a deeper bond together.

Try to spend time with your loved ones alone every day. It’s not necessary to plan it.

You just walk up to them and ask, “How’s your day?” and “What have you been doing lately?” … or ask them to watch a movie you both enjoy.

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and let it come in.”

— Morrie Schwartz.

To sum everything up…

Don’t be afraid of being seen; you deserve to be acknowledged for your presence alone. Don’t listen to the toxic family saying, “Everything thinks you’re weird.”

Do it anyway, and let them complain. It means you’re doing something right. You’re doing something they’re afraid to do.

Listen to the information you’ve been given, even if you’re tired and dissociating in the middle of the conversation.

Sometimes it’s the universe or God speaking to you and giving you new information through other people. If you’re an atheist, see it as an opportunity to learn something amazing.

Express yourself through creativity. You will learn so much about yourself, and you will see a different side of yourself that you’ve never seen before.

One year ago you didn’t know how to play the piano, but today you’ve learned to play the piano on a decent level. That’s an accomplishment.

Spend some time talking with your loved ones; you don’t know how much time you have with them, and it will lead you to regret the day they die.

Talking with your loved ones a little bit every day will make you feel relieved when they pass away one day.

Why? You become thankful for the time you spent with them and the chance to get to know them better.

Those little tips can really improve your life for the better.

Anyway, thank you for coming to my TED talk.

