5 Signs You Can Go Pro at Your Passion

The shifts happened well before I was making a living.

Chris Wojcik
Better Advice


Photo via Giselle Villasenor Photography

I feel goofy calling myself a “professional” anything.

The more I care about something, the more anxiety I feel about the title attached to it. Professional writer? Not until I write a bestseller. Professional Jiu-Jitsu fighter? Not until I’m contending at the black belt world championships.

Me? A pro? You’ve got to be kidding me.

Yet here we are.

In the past 6 months, I’ve gone from dreamy-eyed amateur to pro in both writing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It’s been a wild ride, but suddenly, I can support myself with both of my passions now. Just writing those words makes me ready to cry. My hard work is paying off, at least a bit.

But going pro wasn’t just a quick switch that flipped in my head. I didn’t wake up one day and say “you know, I’m a professional now”. These are the 5 mental switches that took my dreams to the next level.

1. You can take yourself LESS seriously.

Okay, okay, I get it, this seems wrong.

I mean, if you’re a pro, you be more serious, right? Right. But you have to trick yourself that you aren’t.

