5 Things I Like To Do When I’m In A Creative Rut

Strategies that will help you feel inspired when you feel drained.

Dayana Sabatin
Better Advice


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Even if you’re considered a “creative” individual, you still fall into ruts that make you rethink your life and wonder if you’re actually the most non-creative individual on the planet.

I grew up with the label of being creative. I was artsy; I knew how to make things appear far more aesthetic than they actually were; I found art in the simplicity of life and read in-between the lines.

I did it all correctly, and yet I would constantly feel writer's block or emotional barriers — really any type of blockage that hindered my creative process.

I have nearly 300 articles written on this platform, almost 200 videos uploaded on YouTube, I’ve started and quit writing several novels, I have a food blog, a lifestyle blog, and an Instagram where I try to share my life and creativity.

Sometimes I think to myself, it has to stop at some point. How many more videos can I possibly create? How many more blog posts can someone make? How much do I really have to say?

This is why I’ve learned that you need to have a few tricks up your sleeve to re-up your inspiration whenever you feel something hindering your creative process. Here are a few…



Dayana Sabatin
Better Advice

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.