5 Unconventional Traits That Carry Successful People Forward

Nicolas Cole
Better Advice
Published in
4 min readNov 19, 2020


When we talk about the traits that make people successful, the usual suspects are: confidence, persistence, patience, etc.

We tend to reduce “success” down to the simple formula of:

Belief in yourself + Running the marathon.

And for the most part, I’d agree that is its most common denominator.

But what about all the other little traits you have to pick up along the way?

What about the little things you have to learn to make the most out of that path?

Here are five unconventional traits that I have seen carry some very successful people forward:

1. Humor

The ability to laugh and lighten a room is contagious.

When you laugh, or you make someone else laugh, others can’t help but join in.

As much as we would like to believe the “strong-arm” approach to business is the most effective, the truth is, “You catch more bees with honey than vinegar.”

If you can make people feel comfortable enough around you that they can laugh and open themselves up to the moment, chances are they will be far more willing to help you with whatever challenge you’re facing.



Nicolas Cole
Better Advice

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