5 Ways To Improve Yourself By 1% Each Day

Nicolas Cole
Better Advice
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2020


Most people treat “life” as something that happens to them.

They are the victim.

When things go wrong, it’s someone else’s fault. When they don’t get promoted, it’s because of the environment. When a project goes haywire, when their team falls short, when the end product doesn’t quite come to fruition, they are never the one to blame.

These people react to life, and let outside circumstances decide their fate.

They live by Default.

And then there are those that walk into any situation and grab it by the horns.

They determine the outcome of their day.

They wake up with intention, they are clear on their goals, they know what needs to get done and when something goes wrong they are the first to pull the thumb and admit where they went wrong.

They know that success is a process and are willing to go through that process, knowing it will ladder up to something bigger.

These people create the life they want to live, and don’t accept anything less.

They live by Design.



Nicolas Cole
Better Advice

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