6 Traits of Highly Admired People

Admiration is a human emotion elicited by people exceeding standard expectations

Better Advice


Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

A couple of years back, at lunch, my friend Lewis, asked this as he pulled his chair to sit.

Cinto, what do you think makes us admire the people around us?

I always liked the philosophical discussions with Lewis, but this one was a bit out of the blue. I looked at him, wondering how to answer it best, but before I could, he answered

I think it is their personality, the way they dress, and the way they communicate.

I just replied,

I beg to differ.

Our discussion continued for about an hour and it reminded me of the book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” that I had read a while back. In the book, Stephen Covey elaborated the differences between “Personality and Character Ethics”, which I used in our discussion, and also in this article.

Personality, unless it is a true depiction of your character, appears manipulative and deceptive to me. It can be molded to use techniques to get other people to like you. But sooner than later, the mask will wear off, and people will get to know your true self.



Better Advice

An engineer, a keen observer, writer about tech, life improvement, motivation, humor, and more. Hit the follow button if you want a weekly dose of awesomeness.