7 Things You Should Avoid In Your 20s For a Brighter Future

The powerful lessons I learned the hard way.

Anthony J. Yeung
Better Advice


The way I started my 20s versus the way I ended them couldn’t have been more different. It was like looking at two different people — different cities, friends, lifestyles, goals, and more.

Yet it was exactly what I needed for success.

With so much lying ahead of you, what you do and don’t do can dramatically alter your future for better or worse. In this article, I’ll share the most powerful things to avoid to help you enjoy more success — by eliminating these mistakes, it’ll be much easier to achieve what you want in this crucial decade and beyond. Let’s get started:

1. Delaying Your Life

Many people wait too long to act. They want to achieve many things, but hold off and say things like, “I don’t want to think about _____ until I’m 30.”

But once they hit 30, they’ll realize that avoiding those actions made things worse.

Your life has to add up. What I mean is, if you want to have a family, buy a home, and have a great career by age 35, you can’t squander your youth and have nothing at age 30. All of those goals take time to find and create — it’s hard to cram everything all at once into five years…



Anthony J. Yeung
Better Advice

Seen in Esquire, GQ, & Men's Health. Founder. Full-time traveler (4.5 years & counting). Upgrade your life w/ my 5 life hacks→ https://bit.ly/2IDx15y