9 Proven Tips to Make Cold Showers Part of Your Daily Routine

The no BS guide to doing what can at first seem insurmountable

Jamie Jackson
Better Advice


This guy looks cold — Photo by Tim Wilson on Unsplash

Each morning I run an ice-cold shower and I stand beside it, looking into the bathroom mirror and telling myself I can get under that freezing waterfall.

And for better or worse, each day, I do.

I’ve done this now for two years, and the mental resistance never goes away, it never becomes easy.

I began the ritual as part of the Wim Hof Method, a daily breathing and cold exposure routine that claims to boost immunity. Many trials and studies back up these claims, but as a study of n=1, I can say it’s certainly helped me with my autoimmune issues.

Whatever the case, and whatever your motivation to cold shower, I’m here to tell you if I can do it, you can do it. I hated the cold. I was the guy who wore gloves in spring, I was the one complaining about the air con in the office, I couldn’t even stand a cool breeze from an open window.

I had to learn how to embrace the cold after avoiding it for decades. As you can imagine, it’s been a real learning curve but it is all possible.

So, here is what I learned, my advice on how to approach what can seem like the most daunting of tasks: Daily cold…



Jamie Jackson
Better Advice

Between two skies and towards the night. // Email me: jamiejacksonati [at] gmail [dot] com