Artificial Intelligence: A Pathway to Human Extinction

A seismic shift of humans toward a final evolutionary stage.

Shahid Chap
Better Advice


Image from Freepik

Of all the human ventures, Artificial Intelligence is probably the mind-boggling one — the area with immense hype and speculation.

A nightmarishly scary threat, emanating from the womb of humans itself, is forecasting to annihilate the very creator itself. A threat that will outrightly negate the very notion of Audre Lorde that master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.

The threat has been increased even further when futurist and American computer scientist Ray Kurzweil prophesized humanity 2.0. Smart machines, he maintains, will outsmart human brains by 2025. By 2050, he adds, they will become even smarter than the whole of humanity combined.

Such claims are not only anticipating the extinction of humans in the near future but also breeding the seeds of fear and generating mental health problems today. A Chapman University survey of 2015 articulates that fear of robots replacing humans is more prevalent in humans than even death.

However, the situation is even worse in 2023 when unemployment, human extinction, autonomous weapons, miniature drones, behavior change through surgical accuracy, and infocalypse are the talks of the towns.



Shahid Chap
Better Advice

Write about Self-improvement, Personal growth and Entrepreneurship. Owner of Better Advice