Build Resilience by Practicing These 3 Simple Skills Everyday

Bounce back from life’s challenges and disappointments.

Melissa Thompson-Pettitt
Better Advice


Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

2020 was a challenging and disappointing year. It’s likely that you experienced a personal setback. Whether you lost a job, contracted COVID, or were isolated from a loved one — 2020 probably sucked in more ways than one.

But how did you respond to your difficult experience? Did you face it with strength and mental toughness or did you crumble under the pressure? Research suggests that many of us greatly overestimate our level of mental and emotional resilience, which is problematic when attempting to navigate a crisis or an illness.

2020 certainly tested my resilience. I was separated from my family by more than 10,000 miles, which led me to feel especially lonely. It’s taken a lot of inner strength to help me cope with it. Because of that, I decided to take a closer look at what it means to be resilient and how we can all deal with the unexpected stuff that life throws at us.

Bounce Back From Setbacks

As author and mindfulness teacher, Kate James points out, resilience describes our ability to cope with surprising changes and challenges that occur in our lives and “bounce back” from setbacks with more strength and fortitude. Like…



Melissa Thompson-Pettitt
Better Advice

Notes on well-being and thoughtful living from Sydney, Australia.