Colors That Explains Us All

Spiral Dynamics value system explains how our consciousness develops and grows

💾 Aivaras Guja
Better Advice


Image courtesy of the author. (Created with royalty-free images using Canva Pro)

Beige, purple, red, blue, orange, green, yellow, and finally turquoise. These colors explain our path from a scared baby to complete enlightenment. A path from survival needs, to complete fulfillment and satisfaction.

The simple yet intricate model, that I am about to share with You, explains the evolutionary development of individuals, organizations, and societies. Spiral Dynamics is an eight-level system based on the emergent cyclical theory of Clare W. Graves and further developed by Don Edward Beck and Christopher Cowan.

Spiral Dynamics explains why we have conflicts. It explains how we grow. How our values change as we better ourselves. What we should do to take ourselves to the next step.

All stages of Spiral Dynamics. Credit goes to

It’s a system based on values. It’s a simple, yet powerful and complex thinking structure that will change the way You perceive the world around Yourself. Forever. Understanding how spiral dynamics works will allow You to have a new type of vocabulary to explain what is happening around You.



💾 Aivaras Guja
Better Advice

"The more suicides, the fewer suiciders." I write about socio-political-psychology-tech topics and other futuristic stuff.