‘Doers And Dreamers’ Who Are Better

Take aim and then fire.

Shahid Chap
Better Advice


The greatest debate these days is probably on this topic- doers and dreamers. And there definitely can’t be a unanimous verdict about which one is better. But I can brief you about the pros and cons of both ‘cults.’

You guys must think that you know the difference between these two. But it might not be true. So I will enlighten you, people, before moving ahead. A dreamer is the one who thinks of doing things-big things. And he creates plans to get things done in the best way possible. At the same time, a doer is the one who gets things done instead of thinking or planning. He rather than making a perfect plan uses the iterative process to get things done.

Now I will list the key differences that separate a doer from a dreamer.

1: Procrastination Vs. Proactive

Procrastination is the name of the process in which you put off your today’s work the next day or the day after. It is just a vice in which you avoid doing your work just because you are lazy to do it, whereas proactive is the opposite. It is a person who loves action. He likes to get work done as soon as possible. A dreamer usually is a master procrastinator who keeps delaying his work just to further days, whereas a doer is a pro-activist who gets his work done as…



Shahid Chap
Better Advice

Write about Self-improvement, Personal growth and Entrepreneurship. Owner of Better Advice