Dogs Are Better ‘Best Friends’ Than Humans

It took me 4 “best friends” to realize this.

Lovella June
Better Advice


Dogs are known to be man’s best friend. Their loyalty will never cease to amaze you. Once you win their heart, they will never leave you. To the introverts who prefer spending their time alone, a dog’s presence will be enough to keep you company. Despite being alone, they will make sure that you don’t feel lonely.

Although there is a communication barrier, they actually make great listeners. They may not understand your message fully, but the way they tilt their heads and their eyes focused on you will assure you that someone is listening and enjoying your storytelling.

Now, these two aspects may be seen among human best friends, but here’s why I tell you that dogs still make a thousandfold better as best friends.

During bad days, they will comfort you quietly

Your human friends can say a lot of things. There are moments when you want to release your frustrations without being judged or told what to do or having someone that tells you to stop repeatedly whining over a small problem.

“Dogs are very comforting when your world has exploded.”― Robin McKinley



Lovella June
Better Advice

Introspections of a Creative Nomad. Talks about Creativity, Dog-parenting, and Personal Development (MBTI, CliftonStrength)