Envy Might Be Sabotaging Your Dreams

‘The elephant way’ can help you avoid poisoning your life.

Shahid Chap
Better Advice


Envy, self improvement article, life, productivity, better advice
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Are you saving money for a dream house? Perhaps you bought a car because your friend did it too. You just killed a dream of yours right away. How much of this have you done in your life? Wishing for one thing but settling for something else because others did it too. You might not know, but you have been sabotaging your dreams for quite a long now without even knowing it. The biggest reason you have been doing this is ‘Envy.’ Envy is a vice that clouds a person’s judgment and makes them do things they do not want to do.

“Envy is the ulcer of the soul.”

— Socrates

It is okay to be impressed or inspired by someone. But there is always a limit to everything. And if you cross a line in being inspired, it will be termed obsession or envy. Almost all of us have gone through a feeling of envy — when a friend buys a new device when a colleague buys a new car, or a relative buys a new place.



Shahid Chap
Better Advice

Write about Self-improvement, Personal growth and Entrepreneurship. Owner of Better Advice