Fear is Holding You Down. It’s Time to Fight Back.

Fear is the most significant inhibitor of a bountiful life.

Quiet Cacophony
Better Advice


Photo by Inzmam Khan from Pexels

I heard Deepak Chopra say, “the basis of all fear is the fear of death.” I think he’s right. Every fear of mine that I can think of — rejection, hardship, failure — is rooted in fear of death.

Or maybe I’m afraid that these things will feel like death.

But what is fear?

Better yet, why is fear the primary inhibitor of growth? With other emotions, I can move forward. Although not ideal, I can still progress despite having feelings of guilt, shame, and sadness. But fear shackles. Fear binds.

“Extreme fear can neither fight nor fly.” — William Shakespeare

Fear is toxic. Not only does fear hold us back, but fear itself is often more harmful than the thing we are afraid of.

According to the University of Minnesota, “Fear weakens our immune system and can cause cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, and decreased fertility. It can lead to accelerated aging and even premature death.”

Cheerful, right?

