Finding Inspiration — Be the Artist You Want to Be

Flannery Maney
Better Advice
Published in
6 min readJun 3, 2021


These days, I’ve been struggling to feel fully inspired by my writing. I’m chugging away at a novel, I’m in a holding pattern, and more than that, I’m living in a New York shared stay where I’m lucky to get two hours of uninterrupted writing time a day.

Being the artist I want to be is often half the battle. That being said, even in the most transient living situations, inspiration can be found.

Get Outside

Just soaking in the outside world is a huge dopamine rush. Usually getting outside goes hand-in-hand with exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk or a bike ride. According to Greater Good staff writer Jill Suttie:

“Scientists are beginning to find evidence that being in nature has a profound impact on our brains and our behavior, helping us to reduce anxiety, brooding, and stress, and increase our attention capacity, creativity, and our ability to connect with other people.”

Photo by Nina Uhlíková from Pexels

So get yourself outside for a much needed refresh of perspective. Sometimes I say to myself, I don’t have time. But in reality, I do. I can get up 20 minutes earlier to get myself outside. For me, it’s a…



Flannery Maney
Better Advice

History/Life/Travel. Featured on The Ascent & Curious. From Ohio, but currently call LA, London, & Italy home. Love histories, crime dramas, and kids animation!