Here’s Exactly How Can You Thrive More in 2023 Than You Did in 2022

Shahid Chap
Better Advice
Published in
5 min readNov 7, 2022


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One after another, a year passes by, but you're still stuck with the same regrets and disappointments caused in your life long ago. The year 2022, for some people, was a year full of enjoyment, change, and new life achievements. However, for some, it must be a tragic year full of grief, pains, and struggles to live better. We all face good and bad situations, but successful people can do well, irrespective of the circumstances.

Sir Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said, ‘Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.’ If you make this quote the principle of your life, you can always do better no matter how things are. People with self-doubts, poor self-esteem and a bag full of disappointments need to get their priorities straight in life.

If you're among those seeking tips to thrive more in 2023 than in 2022, then you're just at the right place! Here, we will discuss the top 5 ways to help you improve in the coming years. But first of all, let's briefly discuss a few things you need to eliminate. Then we can move on to the habits you need to adapt to improve in 2023.

Things You Need to Get Rid of



Shahid Chap
Better Advice

Write about Self-improvement, Personal growth and Entrepreneurship. Owner of Better Advice