
How Anger Can Help You Produce Your Best Work

Tavian Jean-Pierre
Better Advice


Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash

As a child, I spent most of my lunchtimes in anger management. I struggled to control my temper, and my mother was worried about my well-being. She did not understand why I had so much anger built up inside of me.

A lot of children were scared of me, and most of them avoided me. I did have a few friends, but we were a weird bunch. It does not make sense to want to be friends with the angry kid. Eventually, I grew to control my anger, and by the age of 12, I had put those days behind now.

It is interesting that throughout childhood, we learn that anger is something to avoid. Those who can control their anger always present themselves as cool-headed and rational thinkers. But considering anger is one of our primary emotions, should we be locking it up.

The majority of our primary emotions are negative. Fear, sadness and disgust are amongst the six. Along with happiness and surprise, but even surprise can be a negative thing. No one tells us to lock away our other five primary emotions, so why this one.

Of course, anger can lead us to do bad things. But so can fear, sadness and disgust. And although a lot of terrible actions come from anger, good can come from it too.



Tavian Jean-Pierre
Better Advice

Founder of the Better Conversations Podcast | Inspiring a better future | Thought leadership in the topics of innovation, economics, and entrepreneurship