How Quitting Social Media Can Change Your Life

It’s not a myth — it’s a fact.

Better Advice
4 min readOct 29, 2020


Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

Multitasking has become a common theme in our lives. It’s a wonder how we manage it all. We depend on our smartphones for work, school, our personal and social lives. Ask yourself this: when was the last time you left home without your phone and kept on going? The internet has become a significant part of our daily lives. So too has social media.

The only difference is that our reliance on social media can have a detrimental effect on our mental health, with the average person checking their phone as much as 28 times a day. While social media platforms can have their benefits, using them too frequently can make you feel increasingly unhappy and isolated in the long run. And it’s true. Over-dependence on social media can have many negative effects evident by many research papers indicating how social media is catastrophic to someone’s overall mental health.

Personally speaking, back when I would use social media on a daily basis, it changed me in ways I would never think possible. My colorful life started to become gradually lost. I was losing concentration, was depressed, and became jealous and disturbed to see friends’ successes on Facebook and Instagram. So I decided to deactivate all of my social media accounts. Turns out — that was the best decision I ever made.

Below you will find a couple of facts about how quitting social media for good can change your life.

You’ll Get More Work Done, And You’ll Do It Faster

When you don’t have to worry about your devices buzzing left and right, you could find your productivity levels shooting through the roof.

Social media is a tool of distraction. It’s bad enough that you allow yourself to spend hours upon hours on these platforms with no benefits in return whatsoever. Imagine what you could have invested your time on instead of swiping and liking posts.

Envision yourself in a place where you would want to be. A place where you would do what makes happy without the element of caring about anything or anyone that stops you on your way to your goals. Would you want that? I’m guessing yes.

You’re given an option. Are you willing to put in the work? Or spend time behind a screen liking and commenting on posts? It’s your choice.

You’ll Feel Less Stressed

Because social media has become so easy to access anywhere and at any time, we often feel compelled to pay attention 24/7 to what is taking place on our newsfeeds and timelines. When I originally quit social media, I felt more relaxed than ever. Like sitting on top of the clouds up in heaven and not fearing about falling down to the ground. It was that magical.

And maybe you’re sitting there thinking — yeah, that’s all great, but that doesn’t apply to me. I don’t get anxious when scrolling through social media, do I?

There are so many, many reasons why quitting social media will help reduce your anxiety. And even if you don’t delete it, significantly reducing how much time you spend online will also help. It just depends on how much you feel that social media is having an impact on you. Whether it’s small or big.

But to put it in simple suffice words:

“Social media equals anxiety to an extent. Lack of social media depletes that present and constant stress”.

The equation is that simple.

You’ll Get More Sleep

You take a quick minute to check one notification on Instagram before bed when suddenly you realize you’ve been browsing, liking, and commenting long past your bedtime. Sound familiar?

When you quit social media, you free yourself of this extra priority — and buy yourself the powerful health boost of a good night’s rest. If you need a cool-down activity in the p.m., skip the screens and try something more relaxing and less time-consuming, like maybe reading a book or even meditation.

Sleep is very important and should never be underestimated. Good sleep helps the body work hard and at its highest level on a good basis. Never take sleep for granted.

You’ll Learn More About Yourself

Once you stop scrolling through other people’s opinions, you will likely find out more about what motivates you, not them. You will start the process of discovering yourself. Questions and checking answers are one of the classic ways to learn about yourself. Whether its likes or dislikes, hobbies, personal interests, you name it.

Some time away from social media can give you the opportunity to really learn about yourself in ways that you didn’t know before. A way to truly find your calling and make the most out of it.

Final Thoughts

The minute you press that delete button you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. I can’t stress this enough but, quitting social media is the first step to unlocking your potential to a more meaningful and profound life.

If you try it out you’ll understand of what I’m talking about, and you’ll experience these benefits yourself. There’s this old saying:

“Actions speak louder than words”.

Social media is the equivalent of the devil. Only in a digital way. Once you realize how bad it is, you’ll come to your senses. Maybe you’ve come already as you’re reading this article. Nonetheless, social media is bad. A bad habit that only a small percentage of people take into account.

I hope I managed to give you an idea of what harm social media can cause and why quitting is a benefit worth pursuing. In the end, it’s all up to you.

