How the Croatian Mindset of “Pomalo” Helps Me Enjoy Life

“Pomalo” is a Croatian expression that means “little by little”

Christopher Kokoski
Better Advice


Cartoon man meditating — How the Croatian Mindset of “Pomalo” Helps Me Enjoy Life
Image created by the Author via DALL-E and Canva

Picture this: a world where life’s daily struggles don’t consume your every waking moment. A place where you can revel in the magic of ordinary moments, find beauty in the mundane, and experience pure joy in the tiniest of gestures.

Sounds like a far-fetched dream, doesn’t it?

That’s what I thought, too, until I discovered the Croatian mindset of “pomalo.”

In a society that glorifies fast-paced achievements and constant hustle, the notion of “pomalo” might just hold the key to unlocking a treasure trove of contentment and fulfillment.

In this article, I’ll share with you the concept of pomalo, how it works, and how I’ve personally applied it to my life. This mindset has helped me to find joy in the little things that make life truly meaningful.

What Is Pomalo?

Pomalo is a Croatian expression that encapsulates a unique perspective on life — a philosophy of embracing gradual progress and finding contentment in the journey itself.

It’s a mindset deeply rooted in the cultural fabric of Croatia, where people appreciate the value of taking things slowly, savoring each moment, and relishing in the simple pleasures that life offers.

Think of pomalo as a gentle reminder to pause, breathe, and immerse yourself in the present.

“The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” — Moliere

It’s about shifting your focus from the grandiose goals and accomplishments to the small, everyday moments that often go unnoticed but carry immense beauty and significance.

How Does Pomalo Work?

Imagine you’re embarking on a writing journey, just as I am.

You have a portfolio of websites that you nurture, and the thought of churning out daily articles can be overwhelming (it is). But that’s where pomalo comes in.

Instead of fixating on the overwhelming task ahead, you break it down into manageable pieces. You take it slowly, piece by little piece.

You commit to writing just a few hundred words each day, pouring your heart and soul into those precious paragraphs. Pomalo whispers in your ear, encouraging you to focus on the process, the act of creation, rather than obsessing over the end result.

And, little by little, those daily efforts start to accumulate into a body of work you can be proud of.

Applying Pomalo to My Life

Pomalo has become my faithful companion in various aspects of my life.

Here are a few examples of how I’ve incorporated this mindset into my daily routine.

“In an age of speed, I began to think, nothing could be more invigorating than going slow. In an age of distraction, nothing can feel more luxurious than paying attention.” — Pico Iyer

Writing Daily Articles for My Portfolio of Websites

As a writer, consistency is key.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the need to produce content for multiple websites, I take it one article at a time. Each day, I dedicate a specific amount of time to craft a limited number of posts with care and attention.

Pomalo reminds me that even the smallest contribution adds value and inches me closer to my goals.

Saving Money for the Future

In personal finance, pomalo is a powerful tool.

Saving money can feel impossible, especially when faced with lofty financial goals. But I’ve learned to embrace the concept of saving “little by little.”

By setting aside small amounts regularly, I witness the gradual growth of my savings. It’s remarkable how those seemingly insignificant contributions accumulate over time, providing a safety net and opening doors to future opportunities.

Reading the Bible

Reading the Bible is a spiritual practice that nourishes my soul.

Pomalo has transformed the way I approach this sacred text. Instead of rushing through chapters, I take my time, immersing myself in profound wisdom and timeless stories.

Each day, I dedicate a few moments to meditate on a verse or passage, allowing its message to sink deep into my heart. Through this slow and intentional approach, I’ve discovered newfound meaning and depth in my spiritual journey.

Investing in Personal Relationships

Our connections with others are precious, yet often neglected in our fast-paced world.

Pomalo reminds me to invest time and effort into nurturing my relationships. I take small steps each day to reach out to loved ones, whether it’s a simple phone call, a quick text, or a thoughtful gesture.

By valuing these little moments of connection, I’ve witnessed the strengthening of bonds and the cultivation of deep, meaningful relationships.

The Art of Slowing Down: A Symphony of Tranquility

Slowing down… the very phrase dances on the tongue, evoking a sense of tranquility that permeates every aspect of our being.

It’s like stepping into a serene oasis, where time expands and the world around us takes on a vibrant new hue. When we truly allow ourselves to slow down, magic unfolds before our eyes, transforming even the simplest of moments into extraordinary experiences.

“Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.” — Mae West

Mental Slowing Down

In the realm of the mind, slowing down is akin to unraveling the tangled threads of thought that often whirl relentlessly.

It’s a quieting of the racing mind, where the ceaseless chatter subsides, and a gentle stillness takes its place. Thoughts, once like a chaotic symphony, begin to harmonize, finding their rhythm in the delicate melody of the present moment.

As we embrace mental slowness, clarity emerges.

Ideas and inspirations bloom in the fertile soil of an unhurried mind. We gain the capacity to appreciate the intricate details, the subtle nuances that we may have previously overlooked.

It’s in this mental spaciousness that creativity thrives, revealing hidden depths within ourselves and the world around us.

Emotional Slowing Down

Slowing down emotionally is like stepping into a serene garden, where the vibrant blooms of our feelings unfold at their own leisurely pace.

It’s a conscious choice to tune in, to honor and nurture our emotional landscape. In this realm, we learn to navigate the ebb and flow of our emotions with grace and self-compassion.

When we allow ourselves to slow down emotionally, we create a sacred space for vulnerability and introspection.

We become attuned to the subtle whispers of our hearts, embracing both the joys and the sorrows that make us human. It’s a gentle embrace, an invitation to be present with our emotions rather than rushing to categorize or dismiss them.

Through emotional slowness, we cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and with others.

We listen, truly listen, to the unspoken words and hidden meanings that lie beneath the surface. Our relationships become enriched, as we offer the gift of presence and empathy to those around us.

Physical Slowing Down

Imagine the sensation of physical slowing down.

It’s a release of tension, a surrender of movement. Our bodies, once caught in the relentless rhythm of haste, now find solace in deliberate and gentle gestures.

Every step becomes purposeful, as we relish the sensation of the ground beneath our feet and the gentle rhythm of our breath.

As we slow down physically, our senses awaken to the symphony of life that plays around us.

Here is a good video about the movement called “slow living”:

YouTube video by Einzelgänger: Credit

Embrace Pomalo and Find Joy in the Little Things

If you want to embrace this mindset and find joy in the little things, here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Slow Down. Take a moment to breathe and appreciate the present. Shift your focus to the small details that often go unnoticed but hold immense beauty.
  2. Break It Down. When faced with a giant task or goal, break it down into smaller, manageable steps. Focus on making progress one step at a time, rather than fixating on the end result.
  3. Celebrate Each Small Victory. Acknowledge and celebrate the little milestones along your journey. Each small step forward is a cause for celebration and an opportunity for gratitude.
  4. Savor the Journey. Embrace the process and the lessons it holds. Find joy in the act of creation, growth, and personal development. Remember, life is not just about the destination; it’s about the journey itself.
  5. Invest in the Present. Dedicate time and effort to the things that matter most to you. Whether it’s pursuing a passion, building relationships, or cultivating self-care, prioritize the present moment and invest in what brings you fulfillment.

Final Thoughts

As you embark on your own pomalo-inspired journey, remember that it’s not about perfection or reaching a specific destination. It’s about finding contentment and joy in the little things that shape our lives.

Take a deep breath, embrace pomalo, and let the beauty of the small things guide you toward a more fulfilling and joyful life.



Christopher Kokoski
Better Advice

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