How to Bypass Failure and Push Yourself to Get More Wins

Ways to prevent failure to get to your heart

Lioness Rue
Better Advice


Failure can be a huge burden on a soul. We all hate that feeling when things don’t go our way. Everyone fails, and sometimes even in their domain. But most ignore that and feel like failing is the end of their world.

Micheal Jordan confessed that he missed the game-winning shot 26 times during big moments when his teammates trusted him to deliver.

Then he added — I failed so much in my life, that’s why I succeeded.

Unlike Jordan, many see failure as a stop sign indicating that they can’t go any further. You mostly define your limits by things you failed in. You somehow decided to put a cap on it just because things went wrong.

But, the wise Eckhart once said that life is designed for things to go wrong, so we seek to become better. Thus, If life is designed for things to go wrong anyway, how can we make peace with the bitter sting of failure.

Step Back and Refrain From Taking It Personal

I know how it feels when you just have failed. At that moment, you can’t help but associate yourself with the situation. So, why am I telling you never to take your failures personal?

