How To Decide When Decision-Making Feels Overwhelming

4 Impactful benefits of addressing such difficult feelings.

Chandrika Bhattacharya
Better Advice
4 min readJul 26, 2021


We all go through situations when coming to a conclusion feels so far-fetched that all we end up with, is being consumed by our own endless spiral of thoughts.

We are often so stuck upon the idea of figuring it all out before taking an action, that we may even end up not taking any action at all.

When we are faced with decisions to make, we are also faced with a test of our own sense of accountability;

And that is something which often carries a weight we may not be prepared to bear at that very moment;

That’s when we find ourselves lost in a pool of overwhelm.

While there may not be a way to not be faced with feelings of overwhelm, there’s a way to liberate ourselves from it, and consequently, feel much lighter.

The Problem?

In order to find the solution, we must first acknowledge the problem for what it is.

It is not the choices that we are faced with that overwhelm us;

It is the thought of consequences such choices carry, that overwhelm us.

We are innately good at catastrophizing and it is doing that so very well, that keeps us stuck in loops of thoughts.

We do not for once, stop to think that we are designing our entire future (in our minds) based on probabilities that aren’t even real;

Because they are in our heads.

So, when we have to decide on a course of action, it is those completely untrue pictures that we use as a guiding light.

We think, that since we have arrived at a conclusion, we have “figured it all out”;

But have we, though?

Is figuring it all out meant to be the worst and darkest projection of the thoughts in our mind?

Not really, and you know it too;

That is our problem — we tend to rationalize our way into feeling safe, when all it does is, keep us stunted.

Because you know that crafting up assumptions of a future that is far from reality, is the only way for you to feel safe right now.

The Solution

Humans are known to rationalize their actions.

We are hardwired to convince ourselves of the rightness of actions we take.

How is that relevant to decision-making?

Well, it means that we can decide (and ACT) despite the consequences we craft in our heads;

It means that we can decide, act and then adapt to the (rightness of) new patterns of thoughts.

There could be a number of benefits to doing this:

1. Stops The Endless Spiral Of Thoughts We’d Otherwise Be Stuck On

By choosing to act despite our apprehension about the outcome, we also choose to stop an assumption in its tracks.

By acting, we consciously break a cycle of thoughts that is unproductive;

And in doing so, we choose action over inaction.

2. Broadens Our Horizon Of (New) Experiences

When we decide on a course of action that is difficult for us to idealize, we open ourselves to being surprised by a bunch of other realistic possibilities.

Just because we didn’t think it was possible, doesn’t mean that it is not;

It just means that we need to try and find out for ourselves.

3. Shows Us Why We Can Be Wrong In Assuming The Worst

Perhaps, deciding and acting on our overwhelming doubts, is often the only way to gather evidence on why we have been wrong about it.

Doubts, fears, anxiety are not really meant to be stored;

Rather, they are meant to be acted upon and tested to understand what they were worth (or what they weren’t worth).

4. Builds Healthy Self-Esteem

Most importantly, when have done all of the above, which are:

  • Consciously rewired ourselves to break from an endless spiral of thoughts;
  • Broadened our horizon of new experiences;
  • Understood and acknowledged why we can be wrong;

It is through all of those that we build and rebuild our sense of self, and our sense of self-esteem.

It is only by breaking away from the roots of our indecision, do we decide to see ourselves in a new light, and find the strength, courage, and confidence to tackle such feelings of overwhelm when they show up in other contexts and situations.

While it is rather easy to find ourselves lost in a whirlpool of overwhelm, it is not something that does us any good, in the short or long run.

We find the answers to our overwhelm, when we consciously choose to work with those difficult feelings, rather than fighting against them.

The next time you find yourself overwhelmed when faced with a decision, just act on it despite the dark side that your mind projects to you, and you’ll see how you are able to figure things out as you go along.

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Chandrika Bhattacharya
Better Advice

I read to learn, grow, and evolve. I write to share thoughts on transforming into better versions of ourselves.